Prayers needed .. update

Please pray for me , I am in the hospital right now due to an unknown situation , they believe is bels palsy but they aren't sure . Please have me in your prayers


  • I'll keep you in my thoughts and prayers.
  • Will be praying for u!!!
  • Praying for you
  • How are u doing today?
  • Oh gosh. Hope it isnt!
  • Well I unfortunately have Bell's palsy , they said they don't understand how I got it since I don't have herpes , diabetes , I'm not pregnant and I haven't had the flu recently , so the causes for my issue is unknown. I am scared , depressed and I don't even want to go out .. Is the worst feeling ever. My left eye can't close right , I look messed up when I smile, and I have terrible pains behind my ear .
  • Omg =( im so sorry
  • I'm sorry you're in my thoughts and prayers
  • edited December 2012
    Thank you ladies :( this is hard mostly so close to Christmas @SalasMommy @LittleFae
  • edited December 2012
    I'm so sorry! Idk exactly what that is, but it doesn't sound good. I'll say a prayer for you.
  • @Wilsonmom I don't know much about it my self since I had to research it since the doctor didn't really explained crap . All I know is that is when the 7th nerve of the face gets infected , it might take days, weeks, months or years for me to go back to normal. Only god knows . And thanks for the prayer
  • @Janet_2011 lets hope it only takes a few days for you to get back to normal.
    And i know its easier said than done, but don't let this bring you down. The most important thing about the holidays is spending time with our most loved ones.
  • My ex husband had it when he was in his early 20s. His took about a month for everything to go back to normal. I how you feel better quickly.
  • My sister was diagnosed and took about 6 weeks to self-correct. I know it's hard to be optimistic at a time like, but coming from a person who just lost a sister, you have tons to be thankful for. Don't lose sight of that. I hope you feel better soon. Good bless!

  • I had bells palsey when I was pregnant, it was like 2 weeks before I had my son and I was drinking out of a staw and realized only my right side of my mouth was closed around the straw, I didn't think much about it. and like a week later I said to my mom, ' I feel like iv had a stroke on one side of my face' and that week I got imitted to the hospital and the drs asked why half of my face was druppy lol!!! mine went away before I left the hospital (I has in or about a week) and they also couldn't figure out why I had it.
  • @perly thanks , I'm trying my best to be happy , there are times where i forgot I have it til I look in the mirror or smile I feel the difference .

    @Stillsurprised @devins_mommy wow that gives me hope of a fast recovery , I read some cases online that have it for ages and don't recover .

    @Mijita I'm so sorry you lost your sister , I'm sure that's far worse to deal with than what I have

    So far we have had a nice Xmas since I got 100 dollars as a gift from my husbands boss and I was able to buy hubby a gift and my two girls a second gift . Plus I though I wasn't getting anything and hubby has gift for me under the tree :) plus my 3 year old hasn't noticed that I'm sad or that there's something wrong with me , plus my hubby and parents do their best to make me feel better
  • You are in my prayers. I know its scary, I had Bells Palsy as a teenager, from a tick bite (Lyme Disease) and developed menagitis from it. It took my doctors long time to diagnose, but once I was on the right antibiotics it went away by 2 months. Just make sure you get the right teatment!
  • I'm soo sorry... I hope it goes away soon.. I hope the doc gave you some good advice and medicine to help and just follow that and hopefully goes away right away! Will be praying for you. Try your best to enjoy the holidays.
  • I had bells palsy about 2yrs ago, the only treatment that helped me was acupuncture go to Asian acupuncturist and seek for treatment.
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