waxing under arms

Anyone done this before or know much about it? I've never had anything waxed before and was wondering how long it lasts, how long it should be for them to be able to wax it and also if it'll help with the discoloration of my skin under my arms. I heard the mix between shaving and using deodorant can cause your skin to darken under there so I thought I would try waxing.
Any help would be appreciated!


  • Only thing i've waxed is my eyebrows lol... and that kinda hurts so i rather not wax anything else lol
  • iv waxed my under arms before but i did it myself at home! it didnt hurt and lasted about 3weeks if i remember rightly! after i did it a few days later i noticed a lump which i got quite worried about! went to the docs and they asked had i waxed as it can be caused by that! apparently ur glands can swell up!? i defo think its worth doin! not sure about the skin discolorarion tho
  • I use the gigi wax you can buy it at armstrong mcall or sallys i do this when i have.no $ to go to the salon. Works great for bikini or anywhere and the more you wax the thiner your hair will grow and it wont look dark =)
  • It's actually not good to wax underarms like @Denois said it can make the glands swell up and some people are very sensitive to it. If you are wanting to fix the discoloration I would just google that because I know there are other ways to do it. But if your not worried about the glands and the pain may be worth it BC waxing anything lasts forever!
  • Pluck that's what I do. It hurts but like anything you get use to it and won't notice after a while. Pike your eyebrows it hurt the first few times. I like plucking:) if I had the time and the patients I would so pluck everything else lol.
  • I have heard lemon juice for discoloration. I have discoloration under my arms but that is because i have PCOS. Never waxed them just my eye brows and lip
  • I've had my underarms waxed before. It did not last that long. Honestly, I felt it was not worth the money so I'm back to shaving
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