- feeling weird.

edited March 2011 in Pregnant
hi moms and moms to be(: i just been feeling weird like im not pregnant anymore and im really scared, i haven't really been eating because im nervous and scared HELP,!!!!!


  • How far along are u
  • im 13 weeks.
  • Oh that's good. . That's way normal don't worry hun
  • thanks i was getting a little scared,my doctor said the same thing.
  • I think your hormone levels are just leveling out...we're supposed to be at our best in the second trimester. Consider yourself lucky bc Im still all screwed up and almost 15 wks. I guess its the price Im paying for a fairly easy first trimester.
  • yeah, im doing good i think just alot of upset moments where i get to crying and stuff, i just been really really nervous, haven't been eating,like maybe twice a day will that effect the baby,!???
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