Cramping... Please Help

edited March 2011 in Pregnant
These cramps are very bad should I go see my doctor??


  • I have had cramps too. Im almost 7 weeks. My dr told me anything more severe then mild menstrual cramps shud warrent a phone call or visit. If there bad go!!! Rather safe then sorry :) hope everything is ok!
  • I'm 18 weeks and I sometimes get them. I just found out its cuz the way my baby was facing. She was already head down (which is a good thing) which is why I felt cramps sometimes cuz she was right at the pelvis area. Maybe that could be why, but if they're too severe its always a good idea to see your doctor, hell I call for a headache lol
  • I had bad cramps in the beginning of my pregnancy, I even had a period. Lol. But I still get cramps, if they get really bad go, but try drinking a bottle of water and massaging your stomach. Helped me
  • I had bad cramps because of a vaginal infection. Easily treated and not a big deal unless it is left untreated. Call your doc office and talk to a nurse or someone. See what they think of other symptoms you are or aren't experiencing.
  • Im having cramps today to, I will be 7 weeks tomorrow. This is my second pregnany, my first one ended in a miscarriage in December. I hear this is a normal thing its your uterus stretching, still scares the heck out of me though :(
  • Ive been having cramps the whole time...sometimes i just focus on something else to make them go away...but my fiance most of the time rubs my tummy n it helps...but alot of my friends told me its normal. Cuz its where the baby is making room for itself...
  • All of the advice you all gave me is help full.. Thank yall so much!!

    The cramps sometimes make me cry or hit people..well the nearest thing to me lol... My mom says ill be okay but im just scared this is my first child so I just want to make sure everything is okay im only 6 weeks...
  • Yea this is my first too...and the cramps worry me too im only 8 weeks...
  • Ima just call my doctor and see what he say!! Just to be safe
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