WAS: We're MOVING!!! :) NOW: Vent about my teen son

We finally found a perfect place. It's in our previous (nice!) school district, it has about 2.5 acres, mature apple & pear trees (!), 5 bedrooms, 2 gardens, a guest house (!!!), new floors, new kitchen cabinets, new vinyl siding, a NEW 2.5 car unattached garage, & it's in a perfect location for our small business!! We rent, so this is a huge blessing & totally a God thing. It's hard for our small business & large family to find willing landlords, but this place has all we desired & more. I'm so thankful & blessed! I've been packing & moving all week. I LOVE moving slowly..by the time I'm done we'll be able to move just our furniture & start living...I'm unpacking daily as I go. I was a little worried about paying the deposit & first months rent & our rent at the current house so I prayed & told the kids to pray. Well the very next day my husband sold TWO cars that he's had on craigslist for MONTHS!! And from someone driving by, not the craigslist ad! I am on cloud 9! :D


  • Wow that's amazing!!! Congrats.
  • That's awesome! I know that feeling...the last place we rented had a HUGE mold problem, all the baths and showers were leaking from the upstairs to the lower level and it had a lot of problems they tried to hide and the landlords wouldn't fix it. We prayed and found our current house to rent last minute with an awesome landlord who flips houses and I feel like God really blessed us to get us out of our last place to a safe clean remodeled one
  • That's great! Isn't it amazing the things God can do that we never see possible for ourselves. I'm waiting on my husband getting this new job he interview for on Monday have good feeling about it and want to be blessed with another little one (which was news to him today lol) but he was good surprised. Although we haven't exactly been avoiding it, therefore I've been trying :)... Now that his pretty much on same page hopefully it happens soon! Keep praying is all I do now days.
  • Congratulations!!!
  • congratulations
  • Congrats.
  • Congratulations :) It's funny because whenever I'm backed against a wall consumed with worry and anxiety, something ALWAYS happens and everything works out!! And when I tell my bf he usually reminds me of this bible verse: " Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they?"
  • That's awesome! God does great things :)
  • Thanks so much @everyone! I was so excited I couldn't sleep last night! Lol :) @starxoxo9 I love that verse! :)

    @michellebelle I know what you mean...we have the exact same issues with our landlord, including water leaking to the level below!

    @jules Baby dust to you & praying for your hubby's job! It's great your both on the same page...that helps a lot!
  • Awesome! Congrats!!!!!!
  • Thank you. Well I hope it helps I need to talk to him little more about it.
  • Awesome!!
  • I KNEW IT! I told you the Lord was moving you into something better for your family. That's sooooo amazing that your family is being blessed with that much of space.... And its nice too! Wow!

    I'm so happy for you Mrs Supermom!
  • ^ totally agree w what @YNVTish said. :) so happy for u!!! God is very good.
  • Incredible!! Many continued blessings! :-)
  • Yeah!!! So happy for you. Glad that things are looking up. \:D/
  • Ok I'm getting just a LITTLE stressed out & overwhelmed here. We're at that point where half our stuff is there & half is here & the kids' routine is out the window. They're living out of their suitcases clothing wise & cooking/cleaning is a nightmare. I've got most of the major stuff packed except our room (nightmare! My husband is a pack rack & I'm complete opposite, I hate it!) Now it's down to all the misc. stuff here & there & furniture.

    Any moving pointers at this point? Chaos & messes drive me mad!
  • When we moved I just did one room at a time for packing and unpacking. I didn't leave the room until it was done. It helped the move feel less chaotic.
  • No tips a hate moving so lits of sympathy from me hipe it goes fast how have your older boys been? How do they feel about the move?
  • I wish I had some tips. We are moving in about a yr and im dreading it. Im pretty organized so I hope it goes smoothly because of that.
  • @stella they're both happy about it believe it or not lol. However my 17 yo was dumb & got caught with tobacco & a lighter at school the other day. It's his 3rd offense this year so the principal wants to expel him. I have a meeting with the superintendant Tuesday for his decision. It's so sad because he's never gotten trouble until this year. If he gets expelled idk if the new school district we're moving to would take him...he really wanted to go there. Ugh, so frustrating.

    @sands3 Thanks- I'm pretty organized too & it helps a lot. I've moved in the past in an unorganized way & it was horrible! Like took me years to get everything back in order! Lol Good luck with your move..declutter as much as possible is my best advice. :)
  • I try not to keep clutter, but my husband does. He'll be deploying and I'll be doing the moving, so I will be getting rid of tons of junk!
  • It was so much work when we had to move from a little room into an apartment and I'm STILL unpacking a month later!!!! I have so much clothes its ridiculous lol i think you should do what @starrxoxo said (and by the way i love that verse!) It sounds like you have a great house I'm so glad!!
  • That sucks that they want to expelled him hopefully the new school will take him. I would just explain tour moving anyway maybe they won't bother expelling him. Glad that the boys are happy about it hopefully they will mellow out after the move. :-D
  • My suggestion would be to set up pick ups from www.SATruck.com ..

    Every few days have salvation army pick up a load. Make it a point to get rid of stuck and not take it with you.

    When I moved like you I bought plastic containers storage bins. I'd load them, go to the new spot and unload them. At the end of thr move I packed long term storage stuff in them and lined the garage wall with them. The garage looked clean and organized and I knew where everything was.
  • @stella @anyone They didn't expel him since we were moving, but they said if we had stayed they would send him to an alternative school & if he didn't go they would expel him. My son acted like it was all a big joke. If he were expelled he would lose his license until 18! Now he's already missed a day at the new school for a headache & his younger brother has missed 2 days because his alarm "didn't go off". I am so frustrated with them! They are going to get ME in trouble! Idk what to do! Ugh, I'm just really frustrated at them right now. Just venting. Lol
  • I'm sorry about the boys... But make their butt go to school. I mean I don't understand how they can just pull shit like that I would be in their room in the morning pulling them out of bed until I see them walk to the classroom. it kinda sounds to me that they take advantage of you.
  • ^^^agreed. Can u make sure they are up in the morning and if they have a "headache" tough! Here's a Tylenol is all I would do. It sucks because they are not little children but it seems they need to be treated like ones.
  • I had to be near death for my mom to let me miss school. Don't let them walk all over you. You guys are making a fresh start and they need to get with the program.
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