i want to be a stay at home mom

I would like to be home more with my son and soon my daughter. I am currently away 55 hours a week at a job I hate so much. I almost cry every morning going in to work and on many occasions I do have a breakdown during the day. I hate the job, the way they treat me and most importantly that I am missing valuable time with my 16 month old. Being a SAHM is not an option for me, but if anyone had ideas as to how i can make money and be home more, I'm all ears... Thank you in advance!


  • I love being a SAHM.... If the government was smart they would provide a cash aid or a benefit payments plan to pay for more mons to stay home and still comp a suppliment income. It benefits the children so much.
  • Have u tried applying to other jobs? I would be applying like crazy.
  • I agree with @ynvtish! It angers me that crackheads get funding from the government but i can't to be with my kids. I want to raise them. Not have grandparents and daycare raise them! It breaks my heart every day.

    @excitedforoctober I'm 22 weeks pregnant. I've applied places, heard back from my old job, interviewed (i think out of obligation) and got rejected yesterday. Id be ok with part time, and i think hubby would get used to that. But i really don't see any place hiring me while I'm pregnant. I wish this place would fire me so i could collect unemployment and have time to look for a job and to be with my son. I hate this place!!
  • I hated working when I had my daughter and my new boss was a bitch and was doing everything possible to get rid of me. She hated the fact that I have been with the Company for long time knew everything and she was knew and had to come to me for help BC she was supposed to be in charge. So she kept coming up with things and at the end I stopped fighting it and just let her fire me. I love being at home but I'm still planning on working once she starts school. Soo I don't blame you!
  • They seemingly WON'T fire me...I know it's my integrity on the line, but time with my kid (s) is far more important than this place. I've been here just under 6 months. My boss is also a mega bitch but I think she gets satisfaction out of me hating it here. @jules
  • I'm sorry..I wish I could help more but like u said u need the money so maybe just for little more that's the best. Or u can ask for maternity leave IM not sure were your at but I got time Before I had my baby and almost 3 months after :) that can give u time to look around and figure out what's best for you and your family
  • @jules thanks for your advice :) I am hoping if anything to leave a couple weeks early and not come back!! I'm hoping between now and then I will have a solution or a better plan towards a solution. I wish i could work at night while the kids are sleeping so I could be with them all day :) totally unrealistic, but a girl can "dream", right?!
  • Well my husband for awhile worked nights and was home with us during the day but his a paramedic. Do just depends on what kind of job u have. Not totally unrealistic I don't think.
  • Im a stay at home mom and I wish I worked. Nothing around here pays enough for it to be worth me going to work everyday
  • Take a look at your situation and figure out if you can logically do it. Do you have a partner? Can he pick up a second job weekends or nights to help fill the gap? Or maybe you could bartend a few hours in the evening after babes go to sleep? Figure how much you'd save in gas and transportation if you were home. See if you'd qualify for help from WIC. Would you save daycare/babysitting costs if you were home? What about breastfeeding over having to supplement, cloth diapering over disposible, and cheaper home cooked meals if you're home with more time? See what you can cut from the budget. I stay home, but use my time to heavily coupon and shop sales. I just bought 50 cans of chili because they were on sale and I had a coupon. We stock up when stuff is cheap. My daughter isn't born yet but has a partial wardrobe up to age 5 because I grab things on huge clearance when I find them. We don't go out to eat or anything like that, but it's worth it to us that I can raise happy healthy babies without outside interference and without missing any of those milestones! (Sorry for the novel...I got on a roll!) ;-)
  • I do Pure Romance parties and earn 100-500 $ a party. I do two a month and my hubby works so its just extra money but you can do as many as you want. Its great. I think bejng a consultant for any company amd doing in home parties is a good idea. Its just working from home
  • Ugh why do you have to work 55 hours/week? Good luck, I hope something works out. That is miserable having a job you don't like :(
  • I got so fed up leaving my baby everyday that i quit my 45 hour a week CDA job at a childcare center and started watching friends babies at home, its a little less money and I have to do without some nice things I'd like and I can't buy something for my daughter all the time but we are both truly benefiting from being together all day and now ill have my son in June and I won't have to leave him after maternity leave and that's a good feeling ... Something I knew is that people want quality safe affordable($180 wk per child) childcare and I called everyone I knew with kids and put an ad on Craigslist and I'm booked... its probably not the ideal job but its a way for me to stay home with my lil one and make some money
  • Uhaul has been doing work from home customer service for awhile, you can always try that. Also another way you can make some money, if you or a partner is eligible is look in to donating plasma. You can make around $200 a month,not a ton but that's one or two bills right there.
  • @pineapple07 were do u go for uhaul
  • I'm ready to go back to wrk LOL that's what I say now but ill miss my LOL guy
  • edited January 2013
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  • @pineapple07 ty gonna look n to that later
  • im a sahm and we barley make it im with you guys they say that being a sahm is valuble well i want a check lol j\k i love it
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