stripped membranes

edited March 2011 in Third Trimester
I was 38 weeks yesterday and at my appointment my doctor stripped my membranes.. I'm not sure it was the right thing to do. Anyone else had this done ? I'm scared something is going to go wrong or my labor is going to be way more hard one me


  • With my first I requested to have my membranes stripped to hopefully jump start labor.. I was 38 1/2 weeks and miserable. I had them stripped on a friday, Saturday I lost my mucous plug, and sunday morning I started labor! Hope it works for you as well. It doesn't pose any threat, regardless of what the doctor does the baby comes when he/she is ready. I was only a fingertip dialated when they stripped mine, and it definately DID work for me.
  • Yeah he felt my tummy and said it was kinda tight I had also been having a lot of pressure and I was 3 cm .. he asked if we wanted to go ahead and get things started and we said yes. It all happened so quick and what I've read not everyone has positive feedback. This is my first and just don't really know what to expect
  • Had mine stripped on a friday and was in the hospital by Saturday night! Hope ur little one comes soon!!! Good luck :)
  • @lilslay324 alot of people do have negative feedback about it.. but it didn't bother me at all. And like my doctor had said, sometimes it works, and sometimes it doesn't. Either way your body has to be ready. With you being 3cm I would def. think it would help. Just keep your eyes open for your plug or bloody show and be ready!
  • Missthiggy... thank you:)... I have been spotting since he did it.. hopefully it will work .. thanks so much for the advice :)
  • with my first, i had my membranes stripped at 38wks. i was 1cm dilated for a week til i had my son though and he came out happy and healthy
  • I had contractions all night about 6 min apart. Called doctor and they told me to wait till they were 5min. Went to sleep and woke up and haven't had many at all:( they came and left
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