breast milk tasting funny in a sippy
So my lo who is 14.5 months old will not drink her milk out of a sippy. She will try it abs make a face like its gross. I've tried it and it seems to me like it tastes like plastic after sitting in the sippy in the fridge. Anyone else have this problem?
@alymaries she's made that disgusted look too. We have tried it warm too and it was a no go.
@nameless we have tried just a cup and that was a no go too.
@kymali we didn't introduce a sippy till about 10/11 months when we were fazing out her bottles. We got the ones with handles, she seems to like and handles those better.
I'll try and find a link to it.
This is what I was talking about. My friend uses it with her 2yo and he loves it.