Scheduled for c-section Tues, but....

Starting last nite I have been feeling a ton of pressure in my pelvis and my bottom. I also had some sharp pains when he was moving around down there. This morning I woke up and could hardly move! My entire pelvic area is sore and hurting and my hips and back are achy and painful. I sneezed and thought I was gonna die it hurt so bad. Standing or sitting up makes everything worse. The only time there's any sort of relief is when I'm sitting spread on the toilet, lol. At my appt Wed I was only 1cm dilated, but the Dr was able to push on his head, so it's nice and low. What r the chances I could go into labor before Tues? I was induced with ny daughter, and that was 8yrs ago.


  • It Sounds like your in labor to me. I'd call your doc or head to the hospital. Good luck!
  • I agree sounds like labor. What are you getting a c section if you are able to have your baby vaginally? Just wondering :) best of luck hun.
  • I also say call ur doc. Sounds like labor. Good luck!
  • @KayleeAndAmaiyasmommy, I'm having the c-section because my doc is concerned about his size, my birth canal, and shoulder dystocia. She left the decision up to me and the Hubby and we decided to err on the side of caution. I would just hate to go to the hospital to be sent back home, maybe I should see if I can get in to see my Dr, or one of the Drs at the office....
  • Just had the weirdest experience. My stomach got extremely hard and it felt like my son was pushing right on my cervix. Felt like something was going to come out, lol. But no contractions. I'm waiting to hear back from my ob nurse....
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