9 Reasons to Avoid Hand Sanitizers

edited February 2013 in Pregnant

1. Muscle weakness/impaired mitochondrial function. Over 76% of antibacterial washes contain the ingredients triclosan and/or triclocarban. (These toxins can also be found in many toothpastes, deodorants, antiseptic and burn creams, dish soaps, dehumidifiers, floor mops, flooring, food warmers, and mouthwashes as well as plastic kitchen utensils, computer keyboards and mice, shoes and sandals, and toys labeled as “antibacterial” or using the trademark Microban®.) They are rapidly absorbed through the skin and have also been shown to inhibit both skeletal and cardiac muscle function at a cellular level. Mitochondria are the powerhouse or energy production source within our cells. Babies and children who have mitochondrial weakness or vulnerability who use these chemicals can suffer mitochondrial dysfunction or impairment because these chemicals interfere with the fluidity of the inner mitochondrial membrane.

2. Excitotoxins that cause death of brain cells. Studies of triclosan at U.C. Davis found that it attaches itself to the receptor molecules on the surface of brain cells and causes the calcium levels inside the cell to rise, so that the cells become overexcited, resulting in cellular death. This overexcitation can impact mental development and behavior, particularly among those most vulnerable—children with developmental delays and autism.

3. Allergies and altered brain function. Studies have shown that memory T-cells, critical to normal immune system function, develop by contact with pathogens. An immune system without proper exposure is at greater risk for allergies. For this reason, the CDC has issued warnings that overuse of antimicrobial washes lead to allergies. Normal immune development is also integrally related to normal neurological development. In fact, germ free mice, born by cesarean section and raised in “clean rooms,” had altered expression of three genes involved in mood, anxiety behavior, learning and memory. Studies have also shown triclosan to depress the central nervous system.

4. Autism incidence correlation. The impact of these chemicals on the genes whose expression correlates with autism is why U.C. Davis researcher Dr. Isaac Pessah named triclosan (and related compounds with similar properties) as a prime suspect among environmental factors that might cause autism. Through epigenetics (the study of how toxins in our environment affect gene expression) we know that the genetic expression that correlates with susceptibility to autism can be directly altered by toxic exposures that impact expression of these genes.

5. Dangerous hormonal changes. Both triclosan and triclocarban have been shown to be endocrine disruptors. Triclosan can bind to receptor sites in the body and block normal thyroid function. Endocrine disruptors have been correlated to childhood obesity, type II diabetes and a host of other chronic health problems. Triclocarban has been found to have a new type of hormone altering action. It reacts with and enhances the effects of testosterone and estrogen already being produced in the body. Even one bath with soaps containing these chemicals provides the same body weight dose of chemicals given to rats in experiments that demonstrated significant hormonal changes. These alterations can lead to reduced fertility in men and woman, early puberty in girls, and increased testosterone that has been associated with heightened aggressive behavior in boys.

6. Bacterial resistance. Use of antibacterial washes can lead to development of resistant bacteria. They kill off friendly bugs that protect us from infection. The CDC did a study that found triclosan in urine of 75% of Americans aged 6 and older. Those levels undoubtedly have a correlation to the increase in strains of resistant bacteria on and in our bodies and our environment.

7. Alcohol hazard. In addition to the surge in alcohol poisoning cases among teens abusing hand sanitizers reported by hospitals last spring, small children can also be at risk. While not looking for a “high,” hand sanitizers with “goofy grape” and other tasty sounding flavors have been ingested by children, resulting in acute poisoning. Additionally, since we know that young children are apt to put their hands in their mouth, the high content of alcohol in many antibacterial washes can be dangerous to them. According to toxicology expert Dirk Lackenmeier, even a small amount of ethyl alcohol from hand wash in the mouth can cause disorientation, headache, stomach ache and dizziness in a child, and is also associated with increased risk of oral cancer. In addition, if a child has cuts, the alchohol will be much more readily absorbed directly into the blood stream.

8. Other additive hazards. Many washes also contain dyes and other ingredients that can be absorbed through the skin and cause allergic reactions and sensitivities that lead to behavioral reactions in children.

9. Harm to our environment and future generations. Triclosan is now being found in breast milk and in waterways and having an effect on the ability of fish to swim in a normal manner. Americans dump more than 1 million pounds of triclosan and triclocarban into oceans, rivers, lakes and streams every year.



  • Interesting read! I had always heard that hand sanitizer rids our hands of good bacteria and is more bad for us than good. The germaphobes I know that use it constantly really aren't helping themselves, are they!
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