Need serious help FAST - update at bottom

A couple things happened and I need quick advice. @captivated I'm sure you might know something to help me here.

1. 4 pills fell out of my 16 year old's pockets. I looked them up and they were an antidepressant/anti bi-polar pill, an anti anxiety pill, an anti nausea/vomiting pill and a muscle relaxer. He of course denied it was his and he was wearing his friends jacket.

2. He left his Facebook logged in and I snooped. There are messages about DEALING drugs and meeting the upper drug dealer. OMG I'M FREAKING OUT HERE!!!! He is freaking dealing drugs...from our home!!!!!!!!!! OMG!!! Mostly different forms of weed (I don't understand all the lingo he uses) but also pills. And he talked about STEALING my husband's pills!! (He has Rx's for pain pills and muscle relaxers)

I left his facebook logged in (it's on my phone) because I don't know his password to get back on later in case the authorities need it. Can they do anything based on his facebook messages?

Thanks in advance. My husband is freaking out too, he's afraid we'll get broken into or arrested or lose the other kids and all. I just found this out about an hour or so ago.


  • Tell the cops, if you can print out the messages (or take a screen shot of them on your phone) before your son can delete them.

    I would also start looking into getting into rehab. No one "just deals" so don't believe that if he tries to pull it. Insurance should help with the cost of rehab.
  • @mathair No, he was talking about doing it too, I wouldn't believe that he was just dealing only. He's logged in on my phone, so not sure if I could print it. How do you do a screen shot on a phone? Maybe I could just snap a pic with my husband's phone.
  • Have you checked his room lately? To look for any drugs?
    If you call the cops have them search his room.
  • To take a screen shot try pressing the volume down key while pressing the power button at the same time. If all else fails take a picture of it with your husbands phone be sure to make sure you can see the names of who's talking. I'd take that yo the police ASAP. Especially if its being done out of your home.
  • I'm with all the girls take action right away...take the pictures make sure u can read it email it to yourself just in case...And call right away because you don't want to risk anything especially with the little once and you just got into the new home the last thing u need is the land lord finding out and asking u to leave because he has to worry about himself fist. I'm soo sorry your going through all this. Plus you're son is obviously not telling the truth and he needs help in the long run it will be better for him and the entire family. Lots prayers coming your way I know you must be worried and stressed right now but update me when u can.
  • enough is enough its time to put ur foot dwn he's not caring about he's siblings call the cops I know these are ur kids but there not gonna learn they know how to get away with things by u so do what u guys gotta do before things get worse
  • edited February 2013
    The cops cannot do anything about messages, legally. They can try to scare him, but he has to be caught in the act of possession or distribution. So sorry!
  • edited February 2013
    You may want to send him off to rehibilation center before he in to deep. If he gets caught their goes his clean record. U would should cut off his phone. But before u do that make sure he doesn't owe no one. That's where young kids get in trouble.
  • @perly yes & I haven't found anything lately.
    @captivated What about those pills? :/
    @everyone Thanks, we're going to at least talk to the police today & see what they say.
  • Then i would suggest that you take those Facebook messages and the pills to the police department and talk to someone about what you found and what your options are.
  • @Wilsomom be careful talking to the cops. Some dealers can be vengeful.
  • @stephforever89 Yeah, my hubby is worried about people breaking into our house too.
    @perly That's what we're gonna do.
  • I wouldn't worry about losing material items. They can be replaced. Your family can't. My bill had gotten in rouble with a coke dealer. He had hits on him and his family.
  • Oh good lord woman, lots of prayers for u. :(
  • edited February 2013
    Do you have family in another state? My siblings and I were all pretty bad in our own way. My mother sent us all away in our teen years, usually to a strict aunt in Booneville or a youth retreat. Have faith! My brothers were just like that and ended up more than okay. Maybe you can look into military school?
  • @stephforever89 Oh goodness, now you're scaring me!

    @mommyof3girls Thanks I need it!

    @monkey_girl Thanks, We don't have any family of of state. But I'm going to check about rehab.
  • Don't worry everything should be ok. Your very strong woman. Rehab is ur best bet. My mother did really well with it.
  • The thing about rehab is that it will be unsuccessful if he does not desire help. Those pills he had confuses me...the majority of them have no recreational value. Whoever he is dealing for is not very knowledgeable and I really wouldn't worry *too* much about them being someone that could cause a lot of problems for your family. It sounds like teenagers that haven't much of a clue about pills. Legally, you could show the cops the messages and pills, but they will still be unable to do much. They may arrest him, very unlikely, but no charges would ever stick. He HAS to be caught in possession according to the law. You having them now in your possession makes that impossible. :(
  • You should really look into having him see a therapist, if you haven't already. He's lashing out for a reason. Seeing a professional can really help get down to the root of the problem. Best thing you can do is get him away from there ASAP! Whether it's rehab or youth retreat.
  • I don't want to worry you more, but Im starting to think that his older brother (17 yr old) has something to do with this...
    Is he back home yet, or what's the story with him right now because if the pills have no recreational value like @captivated says, Im almost positive that your 17yr old is somehow getting the 16yr old to start acting out to keep pushing your buttons.
  • antidepressant/anti bi-polar pill- these have no recreational value. They build up in your system over time. Seroquel is an anti-psychotic medication and can cause sedation, but just sleepiness. You get no "high" from these.

    an anti anxiety pill- these have recreational value as they are classified as benzodiazepines such as xanax, ativan etc.

    an anti nausea/vomiting pill- zofran or phenergan, neither of which have recreational value. Phernergan (promethazine) can cause drowsiness, but that's it. No high.

    muscle relaxer- not much recreational value. You do not feel high from these. Drowsiness is a common side effect.

    Can you get me the names of these meds? Or give me the pill color, size, shape and markings?
  • Honestly if they were my kids doing that I would send them away, foster care , bootcamp SOMEWHERE And they wouldn't be ever allowed back in my house
  • I think bootcamp is the best idea here @lafiitz89.
  • @perly I'm pretty sure his older brother is in on it too. His personality, clothing & grades totally changed when he started getting all chummy with his brother which he pretty much hated up to that point.

    @monkey_girl I've tried counseling & he just slouches down in the seat & says I don't know to every question. It's like @captivated said, he doesn't want help.

    1. White, round, Wpi 3332
    2. White, round, gg 225
    3. Green, round, teva
    4. White, oval, r180

    Maybe they are legit his friend's & he has depression. :/

    Also, he talked on faceboook about aderal (sp) which I know is recreational with a lot of teens.

  • Throw them out of your house before it's too late! I feel like you have done everything you can do for these boys and have gotten nothing in return! Don't risk the health and safety of your younger children. What if one of your lo's finds one of those pills one day and eats it?! And it could be something else other than the pills you listed above. They could get seriously ill or worse! If i were youi sure as hell wouldn't keep dealing with their shit and put my other kids at risk!!! I know this is a VERY hard thing for you to be going thru but enough is enough already! How many more times are you gonna let these boys do this shit to your family? I don't mean to be so harsh but they are seriously putting your entire family in jeopardy. Turn their butts over to the state and focus on the rest of your family. I wish nothing but the best for you and yours!
  • @laafiitz89 I'm with you just not sure what to do yet. We have an appointment at their school at 1:00 & we called the local drug task force so far.

    @perly I forgot to tell you he his back home now. He was gone for 5 days. To keep peace my husband said we should let him dip so he won't smoke in the house. I wasn't too excited about that idea.
  • @bigbelly Don't worry, you don't sound harsh, I agree. I'd like to rip them a new a hole, but that won't help lol
  • What i don't understand is why the police has not been able to help you. My step sister used to be real bad and the police would bring her home in the middle of the night at least 4 times a week. They were always helpful, and that's how my stepmom was able to send her to a juvenile center and so on. She even spent a night or two in jail because she kept getting into trouble. I just don't understand why they are being so careless.
  • edited February 2013
    1. Bupropion hydrochloride extended-release. This is used for depression, smoking cessation etc. It is not a controlled drug which means it is not a candidate for abuse. No recreational value.

    2. This is promethazine (Phenergan). For nausea. No abuse potential.

    3. This is clonazepam. Controlled substance class 4. This CAN be abused. Anti-anxiety medication.

    4. Tizanidine hydrochloride. This is not a controlled substance either and has really no abuse potential.

    I looked these up in my nursing drug guide for you. I really don't know of anyone selling or abusing these meds. Anyone that believes these meds (with the exception of #3) will get them "high" or even buy them are really, truly idiots. This is why I do not believe this is a "serious" drug dealer. No dealer would deal these meds because NO addict would buy these as they will not get high from them! Also, if he was caught with these meds (except #3), he wouldn't even be arrested.

    As for the adderall, these are highly recreational and pretty much exactly the same as cocaine.
  • @perly the police here are not helpful at all. As long as they're not caught directly they won't do anything. The last officer was down right rude like I shouldn't have called him. Now the drug task force my husband called today sounds helpful so far. I can't wait to talk top the lady at the school today, she sounds real helpful too.

    @captivated The drug dealer he was talking to was selling him an ounce of something (weed I think, they were calling it weird names) for $375.
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