You should let the baby come when its ready. My son had to be induced at 36 weeks because of low amniotic fluid. He was in the NICU for 3 days. Your baby will come when its ready and lungs are mature.
It sucks, but it really is better to wait. My first was induced, and i didn't realize until i had my daughter naturally how bad my first delivery was. It hurt more, took longer, and we were in the hospital longer. PLEASE try to wait. Drink lots of water and walk every day if you can, that helps baby to come naturally. Good luck!
Yea walking and drinking fluids hlps the baby come naturally i dnt think inducing labor is great only if its is a emergency and ur at least 39 weeks we want healthy babies
Pregnancy is technically 10 months (40 weeks). Its my personal opinion that 36 weeks is too early for a baby to be born if not medically necessary. If I could have kept my son in my belly until closer to 40 weeks, I totally would have. Its heartbreaking seeing your baby in the NICU.
Agreed! My first baby was induced at 34 1/2 wks for interuterine growth restriction. We were in the hospital for 11 in hospital room and my baby in nicu. It breaks your heart too see the other moms have their babies in the room with them and you can only visit yours. Then to watch them leave and you are still there waiting to take your baby home. If you haven't made it to your due date just hold on a lil longer.. You've waited this long right??? If you make it that far or are over then talk to your doc about it. Just a warning though..if you are induced with pitocin your contractions aren't go from zero to OMG! lol I wish you luck let us know how things go!
36wks is nine months. They're are natural ways to induce labor from home that isnt harmful or painful. Here are some, tropical fruits such as kiwii mango pineapples, squats and lunges even skipping, sex is the best way to induce. This one is my favorite and proven to work and good or u and baby very healthy to do thru out ur pregnancy drink red raspberry leaf tea gotta drink it while its hot but it works and it helps u heal faster after delivery
I agree with those telling you to wait n that trying to bring on labour is basically stupid. It really annoys me when people try to force labour. Baby will come when its ready, I believe the only time labour should be rushed is if the hospital induce you, either cuz you're overdue or cuz of problems. X
I plan to be induced at 38 weeks...we have two daughters at home and no family anywhere close by so we need to be as prepared and organized as possible. Good luck to you
megmormom3, I understand wanting to be prepared, but 38 weeks is still borderline for baby's lungs being ready. Your baby can still end up in the NICU.
The dr was fine was 38 weeks and we know the nicu well...i have had both my kids early...38 weeks will be fine. The dr said that they do a test to make sure the baby is good to be born at 38 wks
I am currently 38 weeks and I have 2 beautiful girls at home. I was also a surrogate mother twice. Out of 5 births I only went into labor once without being induced and that was at 36 weeks. The baby was 9lbs! All of my others I was enduced around 38 weeks with no porblems. Just healthy babies! As for at home induction I have never found anything to work. Just talk top ur doctor and see what he/she says!
I was almost 42 weeks with my first child. I tried everything... Taking walks.. Having sex. When my dr was out of town one of his associates tried to get things started by stretching my cervix. I started having contractions that night and ended up being in labor for 3 days with contractions that were 12-15 minutes apart. It was a miserable experience. I really wish I had waited and let nature take it's course. It all started on Friday and I didn't have my daughter until Monday.
I'm not a big fan of getting induced unless ofr medical purposes, I am having baby #5 and my last baby (#4) was induced 12 days early because of her size, doctor expected her to be in the 8 pound range and all my other babies were in the high 8lb range. I had only gained 22 pounds with baby #4 and she was I'd have to say my easiest and quickest delivery. 4 hours of labor and 2 pushes and no pain meds, no epidural, nothing and she ended up weighing 9lb 7oz. big girl, but healthy, we went home 2 days later. But I do prefer on letting nature take its course and not rushing things. I always looked at like God was putting His fianl touches on the baby. Once they are born you will evetually miss that feeling of them being inside of you. So try to enjoy your precious baby being inside for as long as you can, they'll be out before you know, and then the real hard work begins. THey grow too fast, so enjoy every moment of being pregnant as well as them being little. Good luck!
I totally agree with letting things happen on their own...i did with my first two BUT my yougest has down syndrome and lives by routine. Our closest support that she is comfortable with lives in florida and we are in NY so for this benefits all to play god this one time. I guess evey situation calls for its own set of guidelines
The 40 week thing is gestational weeks. It actually starts counting on the first day of your last period, and not on the day when you get pregnant. So you are considered to be prego gestationally before conception. Lol
I won't lie I am nervous to be induced