sick with a cold what can i take to ease the horrible feelings?

edited March 2011 in Health
So chicago's crazy weather finally caught up to me and my throat is killing me and my nose is stuffy. Not being able to take meds sucks. Does anyone know what would ease the uncomfort so it doesnt hurt as much when i swallow?


  • I know you can take anything tylenol. But if you don't have any you can try warm honey lemon water. Its very soothing. And I was eating cough drops like they were candy. Hope that helps. (*)
  • Thanks ill try anything right now
  • you can also try gargaling very warm salt water i had very teribble cold a few weeks ago...i had a sore throat,stuffy nose and coughing...i used vicks vaporizer to help me sleep at night so i could breath then i would gargle warm salt water which kills any bacteria you may have in your throat its best to do it before be time but you can do it as often as every 30 mins...i also took cough dops i hope this helps :)
  • p.s sorry about my spelling my computers keyboard is tripping!!
  • I tried the salt and warm water it might have worked because my throat feels better than my nose is raw from all the tissue im using because its so runny:(
  • My mom used to make me hot lemonade w/ honey when I was a kid... I swear its a miracle solution!... sip it as hot as you can & just let it kind of dribble down your throat... not trying to sound dirty here, lol...
    Hope you feel better soon!
    Ps... the salt water gargle helps kill off bacteria in your throat... great to keep that up 2x a day til your feeling better! ;)
    Oh, and get some Kleenex with lotion- they will save your nose!!!
  • Lemon is good for your throat too. And I like peppermint tea when im sick. Use vasoline (or carmax burns but heals quick) on your raw nose. Lots of sleep and maybe some extra vitamins or some oranges or oj which is high in vitamin c
  • My Dr. Said I could take Delsym or Robitussin. All Dr are diff but they didn't harm me or the baby. Id recommend delsym. Good luck
  • Thanks everyone! Ill try anything
  • Salt water gargles really help thanks :)
  • If you want a holistic approach (I always try to go natural first....) There is something that is safe during pregnancy....I have already taken it once, as has many of my friends when they were pregnant, and my taoist recommended it to me. Even my Yoga teacher uses it. It's called Umcka. I suggest getting the childrens version which is 99% alcohol free. It works great and is all natural. When I got sick with a cold my doc tried to tell me to take tylenol or robetussin. I refused. Then I got so bad I was just about to give in. I got to the pharamcy just to see there were no tyelenol left on the shelf. Turns out they recalled all tylenol products! That was the second recall in a matter of a few months! I prefer not to take any synthetic drugs....mama earth put medicinal plants there for a reason! Use them. ;) Good luck. P.S. you could find Umcka in the health food store.
  • my doctor. Said I could use sudifed
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