Anatomy Ultrasound today-englarged kidneys. Worried

edited February 2013 in Pregnant
Today we had our anatomy ultrasound, everything seemed fine but the doctor came in and said babies kidneys are a bit enlarged. She said its nothing of big worry but there are factors that have us worried. Anyone ever experience this with their baby?


  • I've never had that in particular, but to be honest with you with LOTS of anatomy scans they come up with something to be worried about. They always say it's nothing to worry about & they'll probably grow out of it. Sometimes I seriously wonder if they just want a reason to get you back for more money. I don't mean to minimize the fact that they can be helpful if something is wrong, I just wish they wouldn't scare you like that. I would try not to worry if I were you, but I know it's easier said than done. I'm sorry they have you worrying & hopefully it will get better. When do you go back to check it again.
  • I've never heard of it but I hope it's nothing to worry about. Try your best not to worry which I know isn't easy.
  • edited February 2013
    @wilsomom @jules thank you ladies. I am trying my best not to worry. I go back in a month for another scan.
  • Well hopefully you get some good news by then!
  • I'm sure it will be ok, keep us updated please.
  • @ExcitedForOctober my lo's kidneys were enlarged during pregnancy too and they also said he might have a hole in his heart. The "hole" just disappeared but his kidneys were always enlarged. Even after birth. We had to take him in right when he was born to a urologist for testing and everything works fine. He just has big kidneys lol
  • edited February 2013
    @rockiespurple does he get alot of urinary tract infections? Did they have u meet with a genetic counselor?
  • I had that happen with my son and it turned iut he has stage 4 hydronephrosis (sp?) in both his kidneys what it is is he has a blockage in both kidneys hes already had surgery on his left kidney
  • @mackenzies_mama2010 how old was he when he had the surgery and how was recovery?
  • @excitedforoctober no we just met with the urologist when he was a month old. They did an ultrasound first on him to see if they were still swollen and because they were he had a small procedure done where they inserted a small tube up through his boy parts and pumped a blue fluid in and waited for him to pee. They were making sure his kidneys and everything were functioning correctly and they were so they just kind of left it alone. No problems at all and he's 15 months old now.
  • My sons were enlarged as well. They just made me come in for a few more ultrasounds and as he grew they were no longer enlarged. It was scary at first but they say its very common and even more so in boys.
  • He had surgery 10 days before his first bday
    The recovery was amazing went home the next day 3 days later off of pain meds and crawling around :) he is gonna have surgery on his other kidney in a few months
  • Yes! Levi had something going on with his kidneys. I can't remember what but I had 2 extra u/s because of it and it fixed itself by the last one which was at about 32 weeks. My Dr only knew one baby who it didn't clear up and needed surgery and it was 20+ years ago. Crossing my fingers for you!
  • @mackenzies_mama2010 I am glad it went smoothly, I bet it was nerve wrecking though! :(

    @crystaldawn0830 @leviluv8 thanks ladies, that makes me feel better! :) I am really praying it resovles itself before he's born, it would hurt me too see my little baby go through any surgery.

    @rockiespurple so glad he hasn't had any problems because of it.

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