How did every 1 find out they were prego

edited January 2011 in First Trimester
I found out because I went to my doctors because I got of the birth control depo shot because it was making me sick and then a month later went to the doctors to get back on a birth control cause a condom broke (cheap condom) and wanted to be protected incase it happened again and they tested me first and I was pregnant I cried all the way home


  • My husband and i were trying over the summer and i was about three days late in september and took a pregnancy test it was possitive im 25 weeks prego with twins and ready to be done LOL
  • @sammytut17 Wow I'm only having 1 I'm 23 weeks but my brothers are twins and it was really fun growing up wit them I remember wen they would switch shirts and go to each others classes lol congress
  • Yeah my father has identical twin girls i havent really seen much of them and then my little bro and SIS they are my moms and they are 10 now and can be a pain in the butt sometimes but i still love them LOL
  • I found out after taking a HPT at work
  • I was a couple days late but didn't think anything of it until I kept randomly feeling like I was going to vomit do I took a test st home and it was positive =)
  • I found out when I started craving lemons lmao.
  • I was super sick one night, but didn't think anything of it cuz I had been drinking. After I didn't get my period for 4 days, I bought two HPTs. First one said pregnant almost immediately.
  • I was so busy with other stuff both times that I was 3 weeks late and didn't realize it. So after a hpt in the middle of the night for the first one and one in the early morning with this one that showed up preggers I'm gonna keep better track of my period in the future. Lol
  • After 2 years of trying i was blessed and had my daughter in 2009. Afterwards my doctor told me I couldn't have anymore children naturally and if I wanted to have children again I would have to use fertility options because I didn't ovulate. He said I had a 1 in a million chance of getting pregnant. So I went off the pill. 4 weeks later BAM! Positive test. What a suprise this was! I peed on the test and it looked negative so I went to work. My husband called me an hour later and said... babe a like came up on that test. So when I got home I took a digital and sure enough there it was. I'm 14 1/2 weeks now with our miracle baby!
  • I kept havin yeast I wwnt to my doctor for her to do something its routine to test they told me I was pregnant..wit twins! I cursed n cried all the way home..but I'm 27 wks n I'm jus ready for all of it to b ova!
  • I found out I was pregnant when my bf was like kemp take a preg test.....and boom there ot was nt payn attention that I missed sum cycles
  • I was really sick. Like I thought I gad some kind of virus... so before I went to hospital. I wanted to go to the free clinic because i didn't have insureance.... n I was preg. First person I told was ny babys dad
  • Well I am not a moody person but I just threw a fit one night about something stupid and then relized my boobs were killing me so I took one and was I think I took it like a week before my period to and got a positive now I am 15 weeks
  • I actually missed my period and I took an test it came up negative. So about 2 1/2 weeks later I was going to take an ovulating test and for some odd reason I was like let me take a hpt first. I just left it their cuz i didn't think I was then 15 min later I was gonna throw it away and saw the 2 lines. We were so happy ill be 10 works tomorrow
  • I took a test cause I mis my period for going for a while so I had 2 tests one for me and one for my sister my sister already had her period but didnt so
  • My husband told me before i tested haha
  • edited January 2011
    Hello all! I am new! Just tested this morning and got a BFP! DH and I couldn't be happier.

    AF isn't due until Sunday but we were somewhat trying to conceive. I had been feeling really tired all week, having cramps, and slight nausea and sensitivity to smells but we were still surprised to see that plus sign this morning!

    I am so nervous, happy, and scared all in one.
  • i went to the dr bc i thought i had the stomach flu...little did i know i was 6 weeks what a shocker!
  • I went to the doctor to ask her to put me on the pill. The nurse came in and was like oh we did a pregnancy test and it was positive and I need you to get undressed waist down like it was nothing. I started crying because it was unexpected, I had an ultrasound three days later and I was 8 weeks and 3 days.
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