Subchorionic Hemorrhage

edited March 2013 in Pregnant
Who's had one & what should I do about it?


  • I had one at 13 with my last pregnancy, I thought I was having a miscarriage for sure because I started bleeding profusely, ended up going to the ER, soaked a huge pad from front to end in about 20 min, passing clots too, TMI but I was bleeding so much I felt like I was peeing on myself. But baby was done, they just told me to go on pelvic rest for a few weeks and it resolved on its own. :)
  • @ExcitedForOctober I haven't had any bleeding yet, they just told me I have a sch based on my ultrasounds. I hope it doesn't happen, that would be scary!
  • Yes hopefully its just a small one that resolves on its own before you bleed out. :)
  • I had one and I was on complete bed and pelvic rest. Its not usual for it to result in miscarriage from what my doctor said but mine ended badly. Don't be afraid! Just do what they tell you (: my friend also had one and it resolved on its own! Her little boy just turned six (: good luck! Ill keep you in my prayers <3
  • I.had one at 6 weeks. I continued my normal routines just once bleeding occurred I was to refrain from sex.for 24 hours from when bleeding stopped. the bleeding lasted for about two and a half weeks. hasn't reappeared and I am now 13 weeks. saw Baby at tens weeks and everything was fine!
  • I had one Dr just said no sex. I bleed for about 4 weeks it was brown blood and bled like a period. When I first started bleeding there was a huge palm size clot bright red blood and gushed. my Dr told me nothing in the vag til the bleeding stopped but I could continue my everyday routine. He also said some moms bleed it out and sometimes the body will absorb it. it's super super scary though. I hope everything goes well with u.
  • Thank you everyone, I'll see what my dr says later today. With 2 m/c's last year & me being older I'm a little more worried.
  • I've never had this but I wish u the best sounds like u have to try and rest to the best of ur abilities and I will be praying for u that it fixes itself nice and fast.
  • i had a srh with my last pregancy which resulted in a missed miscarriage which i had to have a d and c. the bleeding was between the baby and the wall of my uterus. baby stopped growing after 8weeks. im praying that everything works out for you and it doesnt cause ur pregnancy any complications
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