First Pregnancy With Twins On The Way- Terrified

edited March 2011 in Pregnant
Im a Air Force pilot with twins on the way. I live no where near a support system and the only one here is my husband. We are both very young and very clueless on even where to begin on knowing what to expect. Any tips or suggestions even down to names would be greatly appreciated!


  • Breathe!! Haha, relax, twins are amazing & not that hard. Mine are almost 10 now. Best thing is to put them on a schedule & life will be fine. Right now just enjoy that you are having twins, panic later! ;)
  • Start figuring out if family or friends have old baby stuff that they aren't using anymore. Twins mean double the cost of everything. So hand me downs are awesome. Good luck with everything.
  • We have heard nothing but hardships and termoil about trying to keep them on the same schedule and That scares me because we need them to get into a regular schedule and quickly after they're born because the military only gives us so much time off And leaving my husband with two newborns scares
  • hahaha, I'm a navy brat, I remember military schedules. Mine were on a schedule less than 3 months after they came home. Most people have a hard time because they don't want to wake a sleeping baby & fight with them to eat. I did, & it was hard at first but it made life so much easier. It also helps to keep them in the same crib when you first bring them home, they are used to having the other there.
  • My twins are 10 months. It's not really hard. A schedule is a big part & helped me & my husband out a lot. Check with your doctors & see what classes they offer. I'm site if you have a supportive family they wouldn't mind to come out & help. The biggest thing don't stress & stay hydrated. Everything will workout girl.
  • & congratulations mama.
  • We were planning on the same crib idea, but the military gave me 6 weeks off and no more because I go to AT soon after. My husband is also a pilot and we have both been deployed so the no sleep thing is ok lol but they are talking about having him go again 2 weeks after they are born and twins by myself seems like it may be too much
  • It won't be too bad, how long ago did you find out it was twins?
  • At 4 months because of complications already and sky high hcg levels, I was also going to ask if anyone had experienced very frequent braxton hicks contractions? The doctor said they were normal, but I get them all the time and it scares me
  • We also had a amnio done and found out they were identical boys.
  • Ooo yeah, very normal, esp with twins. I was the same way. I just kept telling myself that it was only twins, my cousin has triplets!
  • Awww, congrats, mine are identical physically, but personality wise they are complete opposite!
  • I can't even imagine triplets! When we found out twins my husband almost passed out. And the braxton hicks contractions are multiple times a day, mostly brought on during confrontations with my men, stress maybe?
  • Hahaha, typical guy! :) def could be stress, try also eating more potassium, helped me.
  • My friend just had twins 2 days ago Kyran and Kaiden they r so cute and my boss had some last year Samuel and Sarah both boy girl sets I so wanted twins...lucky for u everything will b great!
  • Awe lucky I have non identical twin girls.
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