Ultrasound question & pic

edited March 2013 in Pregnant
Here is my ultrasound last week at 7w2d:


See how the baby is on the right side of the sac? When she moved the wand a little it would be on the left side. It kept going back & forth like that a few times before she stopped. It freaked me out because it looked like there was 2 in there! Is that just something that happens? She didn't say anything except to let me know there was no dr there today so I would get my results the next day. (which I didn't get yet)

Also, the black area above the sac is the bleed I have. Does anyone know if it looks big? I've never had one so I have no reference. Thanks!


  • I'd say it was probably just the way she had the wand pointed to make it look like two. As for the bleed I have no clue, but to me I would have to say small, if I had to choose.
  • I still say twins! ;)
  • Prob just the wand if they thought twins the doc would of scheduled another us to confirm
  • I would say that's a big bleed based on the size of the sac. I had a bleed too but mine was long and a lil skinnier than that and I was about 12 weeks. Good luck and I think only 1 baby
  • I still haven't got the results from the dr yet, so idk if they want me to come back yet or not. I'd think they'd want to check on the bleed again at least. This was the same tech that 2 weeks ago looked at the empty sac & said "i don't know what that is". I'm not going there again, I have another place I've always gone to before that I love & I'm gonna go back there next time. @trixiesmom8 @mommyof3girls @Aubreysmommy

    @LaFiiTz89 Did your bleed go away?
  • edited March 2013
    If it eases your mind some, I had an SCH when I was 11 weeks my first pregnancy. I bled down to my knees, which is how I found out I had one in the first place. My OB didn't see patients until they were 12 weeks along, so I hadn't had an US yet to know any better. Anyway, 5 days of bedrest and pelvic rest up until 16 weeks, and I have a healthy 5 year old who is crazy and full of energy. :) Try not to stress it too much. You can only control so much, so take it easy and think positively. :)
  • @RTMommy thank so much, I'm trying my best to take it easy & not lift anything or do too much. All the poor kids are going crazy & doing lots of extra chores for me lol

    @mommyof3girls I would actually love twins! ;)
  • Yes it went away. My placenta was breaking away causing the bleed. I had to do complete need rest for months then an ultrasound showed the placenta was fine, bleed was gone but I had placenta previa where it covered the cervix instead of being on the side. Couldn't have sex but was off bed rest then finally it moved so I didn't need a c section.
  • @LaFiiTz89 Well that's good news that it went away & you didn't need a C section. I've been taking it easy even though my dr doesn't think bedrest makes a difference....I don't see how it couldn't though.
  • Its hard since I'm no professional but the size of the baby is still. very very tinny so the bleed isn't too big I really think it will be ok however it is kinda thick looking. But like others said try ur best to rest and don't worry too much maybe give the office a call and just ask if they know when u will hear from ur doc bc u are worried and u want to make sure u are not doing anything wrong. I mean it won't hurt to call plus that way u will know if the doc at least got chance to look at it. But the two babies thing it may look that way all depending on how the thing is being held hopefully u can see the actual doc soon.
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