is it normal for my baby's movements to be hurting me?

edited March 2013 in Pregnant
Im 26 weeks (in 2 days) and I can definitely feel movement much more with this pregnancy than I did with my first. Im trying to think of the best way to describe this- im feeling more pronounced, dramatic movements kicks and rolling at this point with this baby than I did with my first even at the end of that pregnancy. And several times a day im getting hurt from what feels like a really hard kick straight downward or a dramatic roll or flip that makes me flinch. Sometimes I feel as if that downward kick was so hard and painful that I will reach down and feel a foot sticking out. Other times its her moving so hard it hurts my other organs..? Does this make sense? Especially tonight I've been hanging out in my room watching TV surfing the internet whatever and the last few hours its been pretty constant painful movement. This is a daily thing though -usually just a few times throughout the day, not constant like this. Any thoughts? My next appointment is 3/28. Would you wait till then or go see someone sooner?


  • I'm sorry no one replied sooner. Maybe try eating or drinking less sugar. I've heard of cases where one of the baby was breech position and (while a bit dilated) one foot was sticking out the cervix. But don't let that scare you. I'd call your doctor to be sure. My daughter barely moved so i was constantly in the hospital for no movement. So i have no idea what to tell you. Lol.
  • Been trying to lay down and sleep for about an hour and every time I lay back I get an instant headache then I sit up and it totally goes away. I have no idea what's going on its now 4:15 am. Regular kicks still hurting. Its weird this happens on the one night im totally alone my boyfriend is in California taking care of family business my son is spending the night with his aunt. I can't sleep and im getting more and more concerned.
  • As far as I know it's normal. I thought I was going to give birth to an octopus the way my son moved around. He would kick my ribs and I swear "claw" my insides like he was trying to find another way out.
  • At 26 weeks there's still plenty of room for acrobatics in there. Lol And from experience each baby's personality shows even from within the womb. My most hyperactive child about killed me while pregnant while my most easy going quiet child didn't move much at all. So I think it could definitely be normal. Later when there's not so much room hopefully it won't hurt as bad.
  • Totally normal!
  • Every baby and pregnancy is different, so yes its is normal and possible that this baby is shaking up your world from the inside lol. Either way, try to see what her reactions are with different foods you eat so that way you know what makes her more active and what keeps her more calm.
  • Yepp completely normal. I thought for sure she was trying to come out my belly button a few time lol.
  • Yep all of mine hurt afther they start moving !!! Im sorry :(
  • Ok wow I feel so much calmer knowing its not unheard of. Ive been getting scared every time it happened, this is so completely opposite of my first pregnancy it gives me a new understanding of 'every pregnancy is different'. Still dont know what was going on last night with the hours of pain and weird headache. I didn't get comfortable enough to sleep until 6 am.
  • Glad you got some sleep. :) my daughter was a high kicker, now my son loves to put his hands over his head and play with my cervix, scar line, and his placenta (all down there together). I know that is weird, but it is definitely uncomfortable. Every baby will find different things to entertain themselves, and sometimes that is just not fun for mom.
  • I heard that sometimes baby could be laying or kicking on a nerve (s) on your spine and give you intense pain ...... try walking when thay happens or change position quick when you start feeling it also try to get the doctor to confirm what's going on ...

    Good luck
  • I'm 26 weeks and 2 days and tonight his movements are killing me. I feel this baby soooo much more than my first! I rarely felt my first, this once is constantly moving and rolling and kicking and tickling the crap out of mt insides. But tonight it just hurts! My ribs, pelvis, and lower back are killing me on top of it.
  • @2girls_1boy that pain you are talking about is sciatica, and it's horrible! I had moderate sciatica with my first, and crazy intense sciatica with this one. Ice packs help some, massage really doesn't (but it's still nice for someone to try) and my dr told me that seeing a chiropractor for an adjustment could work well. Do you suffer from sciatica yourself?
  • @smcox I know what you mean, my baby moves around so wildly that my right side from rib to hip gets really cramped up and hurts all the time
  • @Mythica thank u :) and your right it does feel like baby is playing with my cervix at the same time she is trying to kick my chin! Sometimes im amazed how high her foot reaches
  • No thank god.... but I do know friends that can't even move because of the pain !!
  • Chiropractic didn't work hypnosis was what got het thru and acupuncture
  • @2girls_1boy hypnosis?? I wonder how that would work .. they just tell her that her back doesn't hurt anymore, and then it doesn't? Hmm I started asking about acupuncture but my aunt who gets it for her sciatica said she didn't think pregnant women should do it but im still gonna ask at my next appointment
  • Yep I guess your mind works in mysterious wsys and she was so miserable since the baby started moving even doctor recommend to get head down or in all 4 but it didn't work !

    And I have to say if that hypnosis helped her let her go for it
  • Yup I used to feel my baby either kicking or smacking my hooha. And she used to hurt my ribs .. Most of her movements were very uncomfortable and sometimes very painful
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