UPDATE: measuring 3weeks ahead.

edited April 2013 in Pregnant
So I went to my OB appointment today and I'm measuring at 37 weeks, I'm only 33weeks5days...I'm scared my baby is too big so I requested for an ultrasound to see the growth of the baby, I have an appointment next week....what do u ladies think?

I just got done with my ultrasound and the baby's weigh is 6pounds exact...I'm not too worried the U.S tech told me not to worry cuz this measurements are not accurate.


  • It could just be baby's position, but hopefully you'll find out more at the ultrasound.
  • @wilsomom I hope so too, I sure can't wait to find out how much he weights and what not, cuz the doc estimated his weight to be 5lbs.
  • I measured a head at one appointment then was fine at the next, doc said it was probably just her position. 9just remember ultrasounds can be off like a pound or two either way they arent always right.
  • @morgDeebee I know ultrasounds ain't accurate either they were off with my daughter, the ultrasound lady said my daughter was weighing at 9pounds and when she was born she was 7pounds 13ounce.
  • Both my kids measured 2 wks ahead each time in the third trimester. They said my first was 8lbs. Came out 9 lbs 7 oz. My second one came out bigger than that
  • @Kayleigh27 9lbs wow that's a big baby did u push him/her out.....I'm so terrified to push out a big baby.
  • I always measured 2-3wks ahead once my belly got big, and I had my daughter 5wks early! So you never know lol.
  • I've been measuring 2weeks ahead since 28wks. Now Im 35wks and i feel real sore and tired, so Im just waiting.
  • No both were c sections. Dr said he would have let me push if I really wanted to but my hips are narrow and he was worried about shoulder distocia(sp?) Or the baby being stuck and not getting oxygen. And both my husband and I talked it over and felt that was the 'safest' route to go even though it was a huge surgery. But I know a girl who deleivered both of her kids just fine with two over 9lb kids
  • I measured 10 weeks ahead with my 2nd pregnancy he was 9lb 2oz at 37 weeks I was huge I wouldn't be over concerned by 3 weeks as its not unusual for someone to be a couple of weeks either way.
  • Uh oh! No worries. If baby is big you can do it! My friend had an 11lb 4oz baby girl last month and she was two weeks early!! She had a vaginal birth and didn't tear any more than what she did with her first two babies
  • @Leggs2011 I'm just scared to push out 8+ pound baby
  • I was soo scared too!! My husband is in the army so we have crap doctors and we only get the u/s that are necessary. I didn't even know he was going to be big till I was called in for the induction. The doctor felt my belly a cpl times and goes "well it seems we have about a 8-9 lbs baby in there" First I thought *um we?* then *holly crap nu uh. Stupid army doctor doesn't know what he is talking about! I told em I was swollen and I had pre e months ago*
    The doctor "helped" My son get out.. he was stuck-ish. He "helped" in a VERY disturbing way.. I was not warned nor prepared for this "help". If you might know what I mean.. My sons "head was stuck on/behind my nail bone'"? Idk I was to disturbed to ask more about it.
  • Wow what a crazy doc u had, u sure is one strong mama doing it all natural too. @Leggs2011
  • My second measured 2-3 weeks ahead most of the pregnancy. The Dr told me he'd be 9+lbs. He was a week early and weighed only 7.5. My first was 8.10
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