
edited April 2013 in Pregnant
Does any one have big ones? Mine are like the size.of the palm of my hand and i HATE them....


  • Mine did get biggef too
  • Mine it to the point where i want surgery
  • mine are like that. I have a friend that calls them salami nipples. I hate them too. I hate my boobs in general. they are literally the size of cantaloupes.
  • Mine got really big to hate it
  • I had a reduction at age 23 & I've never regretted it except that I can't breastfeed. I was a 34JJ.
  • Mine are the size of my palm :-S I'd like my boobs if it wasn't for that or the stretch marks, I've had large ones ever since getting boobs, I'm really self conscious about them. I didn't know they could make areolas smaller!! I'm gonna start saving
  • O, and I'm so happy to know I'm not alone!! All those half naked women you see in movies have tiny ones! I cried many nights in my teenage years about them
  • Right growing up i wanted to tell my moon about them but i just kept to myself. Bd says they are fine...i just can't stand them.
  • @Kimberly4411 They make them smaller along with the breast reduction. So they're proportionate. Lol It leaves a pretty bad scar though.
  • Mines are way too big in my opinion, but I guess it goes with the size of my boobies , huge boobs runs in my family lol. I do wish I had smaller areolas though. But hubby loves me just the way I am , so I have never gotten self conscious about them.
  • Mine don't bother me they might just be cuz I'm pregnant they just look different lol hopefully they'll go back to normal
  • @Wilsomom sorry if this is tmi, but I was wondering if when you get a reduction does it change the sensation of when you're being intimate?
  • UGH Mine. I've always hated them, even as a young teenager. As soon as I heard "eww she has pepperoni nipples" on tv I knew it was a "bad" thing. They don't bother my husband. But obviously they're not "normal". lol. You don't see "babes" on tv or playboy with them.
    I'd love a boob lift/reduction. Make my nipples smaller too. I'm not worried about loosing sensation. They don't really have any now. Unless my son bites them while nursing! OUCH
  • @musicmomma you have feeling in yours?!? Lucky! I'm pretty sure I could burn mine and wouldn't feel a thing, they had some sensation before getting pregnant, now it's completely gone, they don't even get very nipply when I'm cold, stupid things that i despise with a passion
  • edited April 2013
    @musicmomma it changes just a bit, but not completely. I have a lot of numbness on the sides mostly, like by my arms. Everything else feels about the same. My main complaint is the small scar all the way around my nipples where they made them smaller.
  • @Kimberly4411 hahaha! I don't nurse cause I produce next to nothing so I haven't lost a lot of sensation, but I would hate to lose what I have!!!
    @Wilsomom Thanks, I just wanted to be sure cause once my weight is off, I'm pretty sure I'm gonna need some sort of fixing up on my boobs!

    I've said it before and I'll say it again, we women have it rough!!!
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