Help telling mom lol

edited March 2011 in Pregnant
Im so scared of telling my mom im pregnate. Im 20, married and far away from home but still scared to tell her. HELP! How can I break the news.


  • Why are you scared. I say text it ~O)
  • Didn't mean ti put that
  • Also im already 13wks
  • She doesnt recieve txts. Idk I guess ill just have to call her.
  • Yea im 20 n 12 w my ma saw me and already knew
  • I'll be afraid to call. I hate getting the phone hung up
  • I'm 20 also and 14 weeks pregnant and my husband is in the Army. I was actually 19 with my first pregnancy (but miscarried at 10 weeks). So when I first told her, I said I don't want any negativity because my husband and I are extremely happy and excited...and she kinda guessed that I was pregnant. She didn't have anything bad to say because I let her know that this is my life and I'm going to do things the way that I see fit. And then with this pregnancy, I sent her the picture of the sonogram and she was SO excited!! And now its the background on her
    You just need to be firm and if you and your husband are happy about your coming baby, let her know that. And she will see your happiness and hopefully be happy for you.
  • I'm 25 n still was super scared to tell my mom n this is my 3rd. It's so funny cuz she just came over to my house today, walked in my room and wanted to kno why she had to find our from other ppl. I was just scared I would get the "another one? Why didn't u get back on birthcontrol u coulda prevented.this n what r u gonna do wit 3 babies to take care of? Looks and speeches. But as long as I could remember I always wanted 3 n I purposefullydid not get back on birthcontrol cuz we wanted our kids spaced out a certain amount from each other.
  • I also have a two year old lil bro nd my mom is only 37 she she feels like she dnt wanna be a grandma but ima tell her. Its just so hard becuase I feel like I need her approval, but my husband is army, he takes care of me, were married what more does she want ima just find the courage to tell her.
  • I'm 24 and preg. with my first. I recently got married in Oct and we found out in Feb we were preg. I was scared to death to tell my mom bc she said it wasn't the time for us (money wise and my dads been sick). I feel bad for how i told my parents but i was afraid of how my mom would react. But my dad had been in MICU for 2 weeks and he got out and into a room 2 days before Valentine's. We went to visit Valentine's Day and i told my husband we would tell them at the hospital so my mom couldn't have a fit or throw anything at me (lol). Her reaction was "oh shit", however my dad laughed and said he already knew :) Their both excited now and we all can't wait til Oct (im due Oct 19th)
  • Find a really cute card saying congrats or something like that then write her a letter telling her that your having a baby. =) works great. Done it with my second pregnancy. Lol
  • I agree with @momof5 that's a very cute way and good way to do it :) if you have an ultrasound pic, send it inside the card as well. Works like a charm :)
  • I would wait a few weeks to find out the sex then send her a newborn outfit n send it to her with a card. I think that would be really cute
  • The ultrasound pic is great. How could anyone be upset once they see that little bean. And I don't think its the fact that they are upset that you would be pregnant. Like my mom said its more the reality that sets in that you are no longer their baby and that you are grown and that they are going to be a grandparent. They feel like you don't need them anymore. But reassure her that you will need her help and advise once the baby is here. Ask her questions about things she did with you or how she handled situations such as fussiness or tips on getting baby to sleep. She will come around.
  • Oh deary, don't be scared! Your 20 & married, this is a blessing!!!! Just call her, talk to her see what mood she is in and then tell her you have something very exciting to tell her, then she'll know u are excited! Good luck hun keep us posted & Congrats!!!!!
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