*High On Hormones*



  • edited April 2013
    I think a lot of problems with people being removed for inactivity (from all fb groups, not just hoh) has to do with the fb-messaging system and the "others" folder in a person's fb-mailbox. If none of the admins are a fb-friend of the person who is inactive, the admin tries to msg the member asking if they still want to be a part of the group, the msg will go to the member's "others" folder where they may not see the msg (and consequently they may feel they were removed w/o warning).
  • @luvmy5 I "made 4 comments to you"? Count again sister. Popularity contest... where do you come up with this stuff?

    @everyone sorry if I'm not my usual self. Lately, I've just run into a few too many people who have an inflated sense of self-importance and who are compensating for being overweight outcasts in high school by organizing internet cliques with other overweight outcasts where they turn into bullies who regurgitate a few clever slogans that they've heard the one smart person of their clique say (and this thread seems to have pushed me over the edge in regard to my tolerance for such individuals!)

  • Lmfao O_o is right
  • Does your ass get jealous of the shit that comes out of your mouth? Just wondering

  • @ezrasmommy and @preggoagainyay and @mommy2two I don't think I know any of you outside your pregly posts (maybe some of you were booted from hoh before I joined?) Please know that my "bad seed" comment wasn't intended for you (as most of the trouble-makers I was referring to haven't even posted on this thread)

  • @preggoagainyay correct me if I'm wrong but I assume that cliche statement about a jealous ass was directed at me? (I'm not sure because you failed to tag anyone while making a fairly direct statement...I'm sure you could see how one could get confused...)
  • I'm Jordan Leigh on Fb for anyone unaware.

    Pregoagainyay is Jennifer Jones.
  • @marierica @sands3 I'm sorry I'm such a poor representation of our group right now. (You know I'm just 120 lbs of smart sarcastic muscle ready to defend all those who have been unjustly wronged!!!)
  • @ezrasmommy oh, okay things all make sense now....
  • @math_mommy I'm sorry, but I'm extremely confused about what weight and body image have to do with anything.
  • edited April 2013
    Guess you know something Idk then. If you'd like to fill me in, feel free. :)
  • @Math_Mommy it's all good
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