LEEP Procedure?

Has anyone ever had one? I was supposed to have one but got pregnant. But I am probably still gonna have to have one later on. I just happened to be watching Married to Medicine and one of the doctors was performing one. Not gonna lie, it scared the crap out of me! What happens in a LEEP?


  • Well I've seen it done on tv on dr. 90210 they scrap the out layer lining of uterus to try to get the abnormal cells that showed up on the Pap the reason is bc they can be cancer cells. So they get them out test it and have another Pap done to make sure they got it all out. It did look uncomfortable probably like membrane sweep but they don't put u under or anything soo it's not horrible. Then u can't have sex for awhile BC it has to heal. They also talked about.the fact that of u want to have children or more children make sure u talk to you're doc about that BC they will try to take out at least as possible that way you can still havekids. If I were u when you have your baby talk to your ob/gyn in more detail about it maybe have pap test done again to make sure u do need leep and get it done those abnormal cells can become cancerous.
  • @jules I have HPV so the abnormal cells are a big deal right now. After this baby, I don't plan on having any more babies. 5 is good with me lol when we were consulting about doing the procedure I was asked if I would be having more babies cuz that would determine how much of my cervix they would scrape. It was described as like an electrical ice cream scoop! Whoa! I can handle vaginal child birth cuz all of the natural endorphines being released but no numbing or anything for the procedure scares me stupid lol
  • I had the procedure done about ten years ago, it was uncomfortable but nothing too bad. They did give me pain meds to take prior to the appointment.
  • @jessibear thanks. I hate when they start messing with my cervix :/ I wanted to cry when I had a colposcopy done last year. I guess it depends on the Dr doing it and how gentle they are. I had my last pap done and it was probably the worst one I have ever had in the history of paps lol
  • I had a leep about a year ago. While I've heard that they don't hurt too bad, the local anesthetic that they give did not work for me. So it hurt. Just stay on top of getting checked after baby is born. And don't miss any of the follow ups. :-)
  • @doodles thanks! How did it work for u as far as cell removal? Still doing ok? @jessibear after 10 years how have u done since then? Do either of u smoke? I know that is a big factor in the cells coming back. I have a huge problem with procrastination. I'm gonna have to get over that lol
  • I've assisted with quite a few LEEP and colpos. We didn't give the patients any meds prior, and to be honest, it was pretty painful for the ladies. I felt horrible!
  • They wanted to give me one & I wouldn't do it. They actually cut the end if your cervix off, & I said no way! I had hpv abnormal cells too & I opted to do the thing where they freeze your cervix instead. Much less evasive & usually works fine. You might want to ask your dr about that just for other options.
  • I was told i needed one for years and was so scared that 8 years later i still didnt do it and somehow my body fought off the severe dysplasia and i now have regular paps and dont need one. Same happened to my mom but hers wasnt severe.
  • ^^ yeah I waited for several years too because I was so scared, but I finally found a really nice dr & did the freeze. (not sure what it's called)
  • edited April 2013
    Nope just that one time and all paps have been good since than, after the procedure i had to get a pap every three months. I also do smoke. It may have been more painful without the meds dont get me wrong it qas uncomfortable and painful but nothing thats not manageable. I was scared also since I was only 18. But better to get it done than wait and continue to worry. And your right it probably does depend on the dr cuz when I got my iud inserted it hurt way more to me than the leep procedure did.
  • @captivated ouchies! I think I would hate to have to be the other end of this procedure. @wilsomom I am definitely going to have to ask about that. I am terrified that my husband could be deployed and I am left to do this all on my own lol I'm a pretty tough girl but I have never been thru a deployment, and not with 5 kids lol @kenzie0713 I have fought it off before and it stayed gone for almost 3 years. But that was after delivering 3 times vaginally which is a huge help. During pregnancy number 4 the cells were back and still haven't gone away after that vaginal birth. @jessibear I smoke too. I have been trying to quit for almost 3 years. I haven't given up on that goal, and I get crap for it all the time from the doctors talking about my cervix. I had an iud put in after baby 3 and it wasn't too bad. The removal was cake compared to the insertion but it wasn't enough to discourage me from doing it again. I'm sure I can handle it if I had to, it just makes me nervous. Thank you all for your input! I appreciate ya!
  • @Almost5 after a year I am still all clear. :-). I have my next checkup in two weeks. I say just get it done and over with! The sooner the better
  • I have abnormal cells from hpv also they sed it came back as ascus I'm terrified !
  • edited May 2013
    When I worked in a women's clinic we would do colposcopies. We would just tell them to take 800mg of motrin the morning of their procedure. Not sure it helped much. Then we would do Endometerial biopsies which they would stick a currete type thing into the uterus and literally scrap tissue/cells out which we could test. Some women could handle it like nothing. Some women complain of normal cramping and others would be in tears If there were a lot of areas that we couldn't do we would send them to another clinic where they would do a LEEP. Leeps are pretty intense. There are youtube videos of it if you want to see it.
  • I had mine about a yr n half ago it didn't hurr during it just smelled like something was burning....I had period cramps for a couple days that's about it.
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