upper lip hair question

so with both of my pregnancies my upper lip hair got a little bit longer and darker. It's not THAT noticeable but it's noticeable to ME and I hate it.
so my question is, what's the best way to get rid of it without getting the dark pore look and also without it growing in thicker and darker.
I'm so nervous to do anything with it cause I'm afraid I'll make it even worse!
thanks ladies!


  • I use Nair for face and it works really well. Mine is blonde but I notice it so it drives me crazy. I really only use maybe every other month doesn't grow back thicker or anything
  • I use a small lotion by Sally Hansen. You put it on for 5 minutes and then wipe it off with a warm cloth and the hair comes off with it. I usually leave the lotion on for about 7 minutes, just so it'll sink in good enough to take out all the hairs.
  • edited May 2013
    Threading it. I used to get it done but I found a tool that lets me do it myself and its awsome
  • Also waxing
  • Wax or threading
  • What is threading?
  • Wax! I go in once a month to get waxed head to toe. Eyebrows, upper lip, arm pits, stomach, Brazilian, and legs. It last hella long and the hair grows back lighter and thinner. It's awesome, totally recommend it.
  • @fantastic did u ever get Brazilian done while u was pregnant?
  • Waxing!
  • @mommy2two yes I got waxed all throughout my first pregnancy and will do the same with this one. I really don't like body hair, especially on me and I don't think pregnancy should be a reason to "let yourself go".
  • @frantastic Which area hurts the most? Do you ever get used to it?
  • @Wilsomom bikini hurts the most with legs in close second but you do get used to it. My bikini area is way better because I shelled out the money to have it lasered and 90% of the hair is gone so what's left comes off super easy.
  • @Frantastic That's kind of what I figured lol
  • @Frantastic if I had the money, believe me, I'd be waxing everything! but for now, I bought a tool online for threading.
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