haunted apartment

edited May 2013 in Pregnant
What can I do. Kailyn is due in week in half. I don't want to piss it off whatever it is. I'm scared to record my house. I really don't wanna see what goes on . Should I continue to let it do its thing?I've kinda wonder if its my mom? I don't really feel threatend. Here list of things that go on: Cabinet opening closing, Footsteps throughout the house,Crashing and banging sounds, TVs turning on and off, shandlers sway along with blinds twisty thing. If Isaiah is asleep upstairs sometimes he randomly wakes up hysterical. Y'all probably think I'm crazy


  • O my Lordy! No no no no, I'd flip out! I'm sorry you are having to go through this, I don't have any tips but I definitely believe you!
  • Hhhmmm, well i personally dont do haunted lol. If i were you, i would've ran the hell out of there lol. How often are these things going on?
  • Omg there was someone else on here who went thur something like this last year maybe @captivated remembers who?
  • I would be freaking out the smallest noises and I make my hubby check. But those are big things not just sounds. How are u not scared?
  • Its been going on since we moved into this apartment. I try to make up excuses it could have been this or that. Like I said I don't really feel threatened. Its kinda of creepy at times. @Jules @perly @heather3girlsand1boy @Kimberly4411
  • I'd still be freaked the hell out girl!! I guess its not that bad if its not messing your son now.
    I don't know what to say, cause i would've ran out a long time ago lol.
  • Haha @jules I was freaking out the other night! I had to go see why Madison's baby moniter wasn't working and went in with just my phone for a light, when I turned around her door had shut! And she had woken up, I didn't make any noises that could have woken her. Hubby was going through the house with the gun lol then he'd hear a noise and go see with his gun in hand.
    It was weird because Madison was up for 3 hours after and would flip everytime I put her in the crib.
    @stephforever89 can you ask the landlord if anything funny has been reported by previous tenants?
  • @stephforever89 omg ur much braver then I am! Hope u can move again soon...
    @kimberly4411 lol I freaked out soo many times while my hubby is at work I always call him and since his paramedic and knows a lot of the cops his always like u want me to have them stop by?! I'm always like no they have much more important things to do then babysitt my house. One time I freaked him out so he bought me a dog. That dog is gone hehe. Way too much work especially while in pregnant and have baby number 2 on he way I just couldn't imagine waking up with newborn and taking care of dog I would never get sleep. So got him to take dog back and get security system :)
  • @jules psshh a security system?? I'm more afraid of ghosts than someone breaking it lol or for some odd reason I'm scared to death of aliens as well,(thank you Signs) ahem and Jurassic park, but that's another story. I would like a security system though! But I'm not afraid to shoot anyone who steps foot into my house, we got a hand gun that I can easily shoot.
  • @Kimberly4411 well I don't get bothered by the ghost thing and the fear of someone breaking in is bc my husband gets a lot of shootings and other horrible things so his wanting me and kids to be safe and we don't have guns I could never use one on a person or any living thing that's why the security system option is best for us plus I love that u can have cameras now days so u can always see what's going on bc my husband had package stollen right from our front patio. Good thing it was replaced for free but we do order more expensive things which might not be replaced for free. So having it on video would be great!
  • @jules our husbands sound similar. My husband is a 911 dispatcher so he works with the cops. When I first started staying alone at night (he works nights) I'd call him over every little sound. He's always say "do I need to send one of the officers" but then I'd feel stupid because they have more important things to do. Over the past 2 years the noises don't bother me too much anymore.
  • 1stwoodsbaby ya I'm getting used to the noises we just moved in this house in march so I just needed time getting used to it and the new noises from our old place. But it's funny cause us girls get all these weird ideas where guys half the time don't notice the noises and the other half they just check it out. And we get all worried and start thinking what if lol
  • edited May 2013
    It was @fate who's place was haunted!
  • We took our system out bc we have plenty of guns and I would have no problem shooting someone that came into my house. If it is them or me and my babies they loose my husband and I.joke all the time "mam 6 shots with a 357mag is over kill" lol. Of course that does nothing for ghosts.
  • The video @fate recorded still gives me chills just thinking about it.
  • @sands3 I think she had some weird encounters? Maybe I'm wrong?? I would be scared...
  • That's right!!!
  • Nope, not me. Thank God!
  • See I'm to chicken sh*t to record my house. What I've seen/heard so far is enough. Plus I don't want to make it mad. Sometime I feel like its my momma though. At least that's what I tell myself @captivated. @Jules @1stwoodsbaby @Kimberly4411 @starxoxo9 @candy101 @sands3 @0811 @heathers3girlsand1boy
  • I had things going on in my house. Some investigators came out and caught orbs on camera. Whether people believe in orbs or not, they put holy water throughout my house, said some catholic prayer, and I haven't had issues since. :)
  • edited May 2013
    Yeah i was gonna say the same thing @ezrasmommy said, have the house blessed. I guess its your only option for now, because you are too close to your due date to even consider moving if that's even an option.
  • @stephforever89 well if I thought I had ghosts I wouldn't want a video either but since I don't I just wanna make sure my family is safe!
  • Whatever was in our house was not a ghost. Absolutely something else.
  • @fate defiantly not a ghost, if I'm remembering correctly it was like a gremlin!!
  • My mom's house is haunted and so is mine although they don't bother us anymore but my 18mo old always stares into this one corner like he is looking at someone and sometimes gets scared. My mom's house is a little scarier though, we have heard growling coming from the dark on completely different occasions, drawer handles rattling on their own, screams coming from empty rooms. A priest came over and blessed it and nothing has happened since then. I would be way too scared to record too though lol
  • @excitedforoctober i can't imagine sitting in the living room all by myself and all of a sudden hearing screams from an empty room lol. I would pee on myself lol.
  • @perly imagine being home all alone one NIGHT and washing your face in the bathroom with all the windows closed and the loud AC on and you hear a girl scream coming from the living room, clear as day. :-S ...happened to me a few years back when I was still living at my moms, my mom is (should I say was) a non believer in the paranormal so I didnt say anything and a few nights later I get woken up in the middle of the night by my mom asking me "whats wrong?" because she heard a girl scream coming from my room or the living room which were right next to eachother. And there is no way you could hear anything outside with all the windows closed shut and the huge loud AC.
  • @excitedforoctober aahhhhh! Im getting scared lol. Im all alone right now lol.
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