lost some of my plug?

edited May 2013 in Pregnant
So yesterday hubby and I had a little adult. Time. Today I decided I would go to my grandmas and make my ring sling. While there I coughed and pee a little. Well I just went to the bathroom and cleaned myself up. Then I started smelling something fishy tmi. I never smell fishy. So I thought maybe its my grandmas house. Well I go to wicked office and continue to smell the fishy smell not as strong. Get home and I got to pee. I didn't smell no fishy smell anymore but I did have stringy clear discharge quite a bit. Is this the start of my plug? When I lost my plug with my son it looked like a booger from what my hubby told me. Lol


  • Fishy smell is a sign of infection
  • I didn't smell it anymore after the wics office . I believe it was lingering in my nostrils. I really think it was my grandmas house.
  • It could be the start of it, especially if it's snotty. Hopefully it'll start getting a pink or red tinge to it & you'll know it's your plug for sure then.
  • Went to the bathroom more stringy clear discharge. I called my doctor earlier because I had head just felt really bad like my BP was up. I checked it 130/90. I've been resting since then. It came down to 129/67 so that's good. I'm kinda freaking out now. I have so much to do and so little time.
  • Sounds like it but you never know until professional looks at it really. Try to relax because of the blood pressure get your husband to do some the stuff u need get done :)
  • Doctor finally called back told me to take it easy if my BP gets up to 160/100 to call back. I took tylenol to help with the headache. About to go take a bath. @Jules @wilsomom
  • Well hope it doesn't go back up glad you get chance to relax.
  • Hopefully resting will help & you'll be going into labor soon! :) You can always get some stuff done after the baby gets here if you have to.
  • I'm about to take a bubble bath. I really just want to finish putting up the winterclothes and I still need to pack my hospital bag lol. @Wilsomom @jules
  • Well putting up the winter clothes might actually be easier a week or 2 after delivery, but I know what you mean. I'd still wait though rather than risk your blood pressure going up. The hospital bag on the other hand.....lol
  • Yea hospitals bag I would do then take bath to relax again but maybe wait on the clothes and try little bit everyday.
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  • Its still very clear. I know with my son I lost my plug 2 Hrs later I was at the hospital full blown labor. I went so quick with Isaiah. My due day is Friday so hopefully I wont go over to much. @homebirthadvocate
  • I lost pieces of my plug for a few days before giving birth with my first I don't remember ever seeing it
  • I always get that type of discharge after unprotected sex when it takes a while for all the sperm to come down sometimes even two days after doing the deed lol its got something to do with the way the sperm comes together after sitting for a while
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