Stop working??

edited May 2013 in Pregnant
With my first i want working.i work on an assembly line 10 hr shifts same job and its starting to get hot. When did u guys stop working or did u have to ask your doc to let u off?


  • A month before my due date because I hated my job
  • my boss wants me to stop working three weeks before I am due because I am a teacher and she does not want me to start working with new kids for three weeks then leave. I told het I could not do that
  • I worked all the way till the end of my pregnancy with my son and also with this pregnancy, but I have a very light duty sedentary office job.
  • While I'm off I'm going to be paid for it do can i just all my doctor
  • *Ask my doctor I'm having a c section July 5th
  • I stopped working at about 14 weeks or so cause i had spotting. Im already considered high risk so the doctor put me on bed rest. If you tell your doctor that you're starting to get tired and that you would like to stop working a few weeks early, he/she can give you a doctor's note so that you can give to your boss and leave work before expected.
  • You CAN leave work early but that gives you less,time at home with baby, that's why I work till the end.
  • But if i leave early ill still be off 2 more months because of c section
  • ^^^^ is right ur talking about using all your leave or most of it b4 the baby gets here. Unless the doctor puts u on bed rest because it is needed not requested I would keep working. I worked a physical job all through the summer with my first it was tiring n uncomfortable but no real reason to quit
  • They will not pay u for ectra time.
  • I wont use anything if i get a doc note sayin i can't work ill get paid for the whole month im off and the 2 months after. My job will pay me
  • Shit if my job was going to pay me I would take off the whole pregnancy!
  • Right, but what we are saying is that you could get paid for 3 months after with baby instead of only 2. Jobs will only pay a set amount of weeks of leave, even if you get a doctors note. for my job its 12 weeks max but they only pay me 6.
  • @my2boys That's what I'm saying!
  • Oh ok but im trying to move before the baby gets here and get things situated before his arrival.
  • And at my job I have no limit
  • The best thing for you to do is inform yourself about pregnancy leave and what their protocol is when extra time is needed and so on. I know some jobs will pay you for the regular pregnancy leave plus any extra time needed AS LONG as it is mandated by a doctor (because they obviously can't make you work if the doctor is saying you have to stop). But then there's jobs that will only pay you pregnancy leave and not any extra time unless you use your sick days or vacation days.
    If i were you, i would ask all about that and then go from there. If they do pay you any extra time aside from your leave without having to use vacation or sick days, then have your doctor make you a note and stop working whenever you feel like it.
  • Just a side doc wrote me off just like your saying. The short term disability company my job used requested my medical file (which they can do) and deemed there was no real medical reason for me to be off. Even tho i was exhausted and ect....i ended up no being put on short term disability and having to start my fmla...totally sucked cause i thought i was covered with a docs note..not always the case.
  • Oh ok i already talked to my aunt shes a benefit rep. She said if i have any doc note im good and to start pay have to be gone more then 8 days
  • Does your aunt work where you do? Every company has different protocols. The information she gave you might not be 100% accurate.
    I don't want to sound pushy, but the information you need can only be answered by your boss or someone who works as time keeping or payroll at your place of work. You might be setting yourself up for failure by not asking your job directly.
  • Yea actually she worked here for over 10 yrs. In pretty sure she can tell me what i need to do.
  • Ok cool. Well in that case, you're good to go :)
    Preparing for the new baby definitely takes some time and im sure you have your hands full with work and the baby you already have at home.
    Im due in 4 days and im glad i've been off work cause i would've never been done in time if i were still working :)
  • with my first, I worked up until the day before I gave birth. with my second, I stopped working a month before my baby was due because the stress level it was causing me was NOT worth it. however, I was denied short term disability for that so it was unpaid leave until I actually had my baby.
  • I had to use my vacation and sick time before my job would start to pay, they based it off how many hours I worked and how long I had been there, so I only got 3 weeks paid and it wasn't a normal paycheck like I would have gotten if I was working. I was taken off of work 5 days before I had her because I was at 5cm and could go at any time. You are lucky you get 3 months paid time. Enjoy it!
  • I got on disability one month before I gave birth with doctors note. After I had my baby all the leave I was untitled to came to effect.
  • edited May 2013
    I worked until the day I had her and she was 1 week late. I only got 6 weeks at 60% of my pay so I coulnt afford to take 1 extra day more. I work in retail and remember helping a customer the day after my due date and they asked me when I was due and I was like oh yesterday haha they were stunned!
  • I'm asking for maternity leave tomorrow. I'm due tomorrow. I can't take it anymore. I felt like my uterus was about to fall out today. I work in fast food so it gets extremely hot. I understand your pain.
  • With my first I worked until my 8 th month because I had to be put on bedrest for precclampsia. With my second I worked full 8-9 hour days until around 2-3 wks before I had my son.
  • Just be careful and make sure you talk to the right people about paid long term maternity leave (anything more then 6 weeks is considered long term). My best friend at the time took maternity leave at 36 weeks but because there was no health problems with her or baby they denied her claim and she only got paid from when she had him to six weeks after he was born. It was horrible cause everyone was telling her they would pay her for the extended leave and they didn't. Thankfully she had him at 39 weeks so it was only 3 weeks she didn't get paid. I could only imagine if she'd gone way overdue. :-/ Btw...they approved her leave...but not paid leave so that's why she thoug ht she was okay.
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