Tiny red bumps

edited April 2013 in Pregnant
Idk if it's pregnancy related or not, but I've got these tiny red bumps all over my whole body. They itch, but not too intensely. Any ideas?


  • If u take benedryl and it goes away, its probably nothing serious. Have u ever had chicken pox? I only ask cuz my friend across the street had Cp as a kid and now at 24 years old and 32 weeks pregnant has gotten shingles AGAIN. This is her 3rd time, 2nd time while pregnant, which is a big deal. Sometimes if I get too hot I'll het red itchy bumps or if I eat too much citrus I get a little bumpy. But benedryl usually knocks it right out. I didn't exactly answer ur question, I'm sorry lol
  • Could be eczema
  • Maybe viral rash??
  • @Almost5 I did have chicken pox as a kid, but I don't think this is bad enough to be shingles. Your poor friend! Yikes!

    I think I'll just ask my dr at my next check up, it's not bothering me enough to be too worried. Thanks!
  • Pregnant women sometimes get something called PUPS. Google it, I'm not too sure of exactly what they are.
  • I was gonna mention PUPS too
  • That sounds like puppps rash. Its a radh you get when pregnant. I had it with my son. Try benedryland cortizone. ask Your dr about it. My sister also had this and only thing that she found worked was dandelion pills. Also having your baby helps too
  • @mrsrobbins6113 @doodles @PaulJrsMommy
    I have a feeling it's scabies or something, most of the other family members are starting to get it too. :( I'm gonna have to call a dermatologist.
  • Oh no! That's no fun. Bed bugs? They usually are in groups of three.
  • Could also be flees
  • bed bug bites can be in clusters as well. check your mattresses and linens for small black dots that's almost a dead give away
  • I checked for bed bugs & it's not that. I'm allergic to fleas & get huge welts so I'm sure it's not that either. What's confusing is they don't itch much, just a little. We had scabies about 10 years ago & it itched like crazy! I don't know, I'll call the dermatologist later. @PaulJrsMommy @doodles @soon2b
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