How common is it...

edited May 2013 in Pregnant
to miscarry two pregnancies? I lost my first 7/11 and am just now pregnant again. I'm excited but I can't get rid of the fear. I'm afraid its not gonna have a heart beat or be ectopic. I'm probably paranoid but I wondered if anyone had any input. Thanks ladies!


  • It can happen. My friend had 2, but she also hada baby in between. She had a mc, got pregnant with her son... had another mc and then had her daughter. I wish you the best and lots of sticky baby dust. Try not to stress too much.... hugs
  • edited May 2013
    I had a miscarriage with first and my second was considered a threatened miscarriage due to spotting but he is now a healthy 20 month old. I know how scary and stressful it can be. I'm pregnant again and worry about it this time around also. Try not to stress as its not good for you or baby. Just stay positive and try to enjoy your pregnancy!
  • i had 2 miscarriages 4 months apart from each other. And now i find it extremely difficult for me to get pregnant. It can happen but try not to worry yourself.
  • edited May 2013
    It's very possible. But it is extremely possible to have a healthy pregnancy too. I have five children, after my fourth, I got pregnant and loss my baby, so hard for me, but six months later I got pregnant and had my fifth baby who is now 22 months old. I was very fearful, even rented a doppler to hear heart beat whenever I wanted. I just had to be faithful that all would be ok and try not to stress too much with worry. I have always had great pregnancies and no fertility issues, so my loss was a shock for me. But I also learned that 20% of pregnancies end in m/c for no reason. But just try to be calm and enjoy everyday that your rainbow baby grows inside you. Congratulations!
  • I lost one had my son lost one and now 14 weeks prego again so it just depends try not to worry tho if its meant to happen it will
  • edited May 2013
    I have an 8 year old, a 6 year old and then had 2 miscarriages then my 13 month old, and I am also due in two weeks with baby #4.
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