prayers for David! plz. UPDATE! (at top)

edited May 2013 in Pregnant
I just found out my second cousins 16 month old son has Wilms tumor! All prayers& thoughts welcome! they literally just found out today. :(

Well today Davids parents were given the news that his cancer is stage 3. I've been reading up on wilms. Here is a link for anyone interested. Luckily Wilms has.a high percentage of success and is easily treatable compared to other cancers! So everyone is hoping and praying that everything goes great. He will have the next 28 weeks with radiation and chemo and hopefully after that he will be cancer free and in remission!



  • Oh no I'm sorry hun, prayers and thoughts sent their way.
  • Omg that's horrible prayers for him!!!
  • prayers to him
  • @jessibear @Mrz_Jackson @Roxy thanks ladies! This is one of my worst night mares and no one ever thinks it'll happen to them.. But this just his way to close to home! My grandma passed away 2 months ago of cancer my dad was in a car accident 3 weeks ago and now this! And my 2nd cousin who's son this is. She waited so long to become a mom she is 43 I believe. She was able to get Preg on her own and have this healthy boy and now this is happening! So sad and very scarry. They are doing more tests tomorrow and surgery most likely on Friday
  • This is soo scary it is very much my worst fear also
  • I'm so sorry :( lots of prayers for the little guy. Hope everything goes well and he recovers fast and lives happy healthy life!
  • I'm so sorry this is happening to your family. Positive thoughts and prayers being sent your way.
  • So I googled and was reading and now I'm crying. My heart hurts for this poor baby and his family. You're all in my thoughts and prayers. I'm so sorry that your family has to go through this. I can't even begin to imagine what she must be feeling. To be told your child is gonna die. Its terrible. Wills tumor is basically a death sentence. I've watched many loved ones pass away from cancer and I know how hard it is. No parent should have to go through watching their child suffer.
  • @Steph_due_101611 the link I was looking at had really high% of I'm not sure which you were looking at. He had surgery to remove his whole left kidney withthe tumor. It hadn't spread so hell have to stay for a few more days to recover and then they go from there with any follow up stuff. I think they were thinking radiation but will no more later!
  • My uncle had this as baby they removed his kidney as well his now 49 and lives happy healthy life never had issues since they removed his just in case it was cancerous and spread but it wasn't at that point so they caught it at good time. So he has good chance everything will be ok. But doesn't change how hard it is now and he needs our prayers.
  • Every thing I read said 90% have a 5yr survival rate.
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