update on my concerning pregnancy
So I'm 22 weeks and havent gained any weight at all I've lost weight and I've been trying to eat evrrything just to gain but its like I never ate at all so my ob is getting very concerned especially because I have pica and as much as I dont eat the things I'm craving I dont really have a appiate for real food I had my last ulrasound at 19 weeks and the baby looks beyond perfect heartbeat is strong and loud but theyre concerned I'm not growing so I hav to go to another ultrsound for a growth check for her to make sure shes growing right ..all I know is that she kicks so hard that it hurts and you can see her moving ...my kids love seeing her move I guess it makes it more of a reality for them so see theyre baby sister moving but I have a appiontment tomorrow to check my weight and I weighed myself and I've lost weight I cant win