Super vagina TMI!!

So all day every time I wipe there is like this clear looking snot stuff?!?!!? Wtf is going on down there? HELP!


  • edited June 2013
    How far along are you? Does it smell funny?
  • I'm not pregnant(at least I don't think I am) lol @heather3girls1boy and I don't know if it smells funny I haven't sniffed it. Why is that a normal pregnancy thing?!
  • I had that during ovulation then u do get more while pregnant. But many times pregnant or not happens a lot at least with me after working out or being super busy crazy cleaning or after sex like next day. It's not bad thing I would worry it will pass.
  • I get that during ovulation
  • Yea your discharge can increase/decrease and change consistency/color depending on where you are in your cycle. I'm on the pill and technically not supposed to ovulate but some months I have all kinds of weird stuff happening down there lol.
  • I'm on the pill too and it's weird but I always get my period on the 4th or 5th day of the placebo(sp) week! I have no idea why!@starrxoxo9
  • Me too! Before I got pregnant and was on the pill I always got it on the 2nd placebo day. Now it's always the 4th or 5th! Weird!
  • I called and asked my dr about it and he said that its completely normal and it's nothing to worry about :) @starrxoxo9
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