i need serious help

edited March 2011 in Pregnant
I have dealing with deep depression for many years... now being pregnant and only have 3-6 weeks left my hormones are not making it any better :(
I feel like im at my breaking point and no one cares
I see a counselor and been to many over the years and none seemed to help me.
Im lost and want to cry all the time.
Right now I have been having problems with my boyfriend and beyond stressed out about bring a teen mom and school and being able to provide for my son
What can I do to help happier...
everyone around me says this is suppose to be the best time in my life and being depressed is all in my head and I can change it...
I have tried everything :(


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  • I hope so... thanks...
    I don't know what to do anymore...
    I don't want to do anything dumb..
    I have been through so much for my age....
    you would think more people would be helpful and more understanding
    but all I get anymore is everyone has problems and they get over it :(
  • I think you should have confidence in yourself. We live an age of strong confident beautiful women and you are one of them. You are never alone. You are now in an elite club of motherhood. That makes you the most important person in the world to that little person growing inside you. A few things I do when feeling like crap, cause we all do at times, is listen to my theme song (any song that makes you feel like a badass after listening) mine is led zeplin when the levy breaks. Or u can look at ur diet. A hand full of Cashews have the same chemical affect on ur body as anti depresents without the harmful side affects. I hope u find yourself and boyfriend or not you can do this :)
  • I'm sorry to hear ur going through this. U have lots of us here on preggly for support! I understand the hormone part is making it hard for u but just think in a short while there willl be a tiny bundle of joy wanting all your love and attention! Hang in there girl!
  • I've been where you are in several ways. Talk to your dr about anti depressants. The most important time is in the first tri to care for the development of the baby. But in the last tri the care for the moms health is usually more important. And also knowing there is an end in sight is a good thing.
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  • Its easy to say get over it and baby being here soon should help
    but honestly its more to it..
    don't get me wrong I love my son..
    That's why I am not taking any meds like I should be...
    that's why I am still in counseling...
    Nothing at all helps.. I want to count on my baby's father for some type of support and I seem like I can't. He has been here by my side the whole entire time and I still feel lonely
    my mom is always gone... and barely has time for me anymore...
    I can't rely on any other family cuz they r just crazy and rude... not my definition of family...
    idk.... life gets harder and harder for me
  • Soon you will have your baby to hold and nothing else in the world will matter. Things will work out eventually. I remember having my first child at 19. I had severe depression issues before I got pregnant with her. I was even hospitalized until they found a medication that got it under control. My depression was caused by a chemical imbalance. Once I got pregnant I could no longer take my medicine. My counselor told bed there was a chance with the hormones going crazy whole pregnant that it might actually help me. That it did. I had no problems during my pregnancy however the feeling did return after birth but I didn't want to go back to taking pills. Having my daughter in my arms got me through it! I am 37 now on my fourth child and have had very little depression since then. Just try and think of the good positive things around you.
  • Try the cashews. They have good omega 3s for baby and are a natural mood enhancer for you. Is very hard to get past this, but you and your baby are worth the struggle.
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