Visiting someone on chemo while pregnant?

edited June 2013 in Pregnant
We recently found out that that good friend has leukemia and she is in the hospital recieving chemotherapy. We really want to go visit her but not sure if its safe for me and baby. Anyone know? Of course I will double check with my OB but I was just curious to see if you guys had any personal experience.


  • I don't have personal experience, but don't see why you couldn't go. As long as you aren't sick, I would think its fine.
  • @trixiesmom8 since the meds are so strong I wasn't sure if its ok while being pregnant out of precaution.
  • It's not like you would be taking the meds, and you won't be in the room while she is getting the chemo. So I don't see how it could affect you or baby. But then again, I've never been in that situation, just my own opinion on the matter.
  • edited June 2013
    I think it would be riskier for her to have you visit. They have to be extra careful not to come in contact with germs and sicknesses.
  • I would not go visit someone who has a weakened immune system. You never know if you are carrying a germ that could cause her to get sick. Even a simple cold could get out of hand for a patient. If you go visit, I would take extra precautions, like wearing a mask and possibly acquire a sterile gown. My friend was recently diagnosed with breast cancer. So I know how important your support is going to be for her. As for your safety, you have nothing to worry about. I found this article for you.

    It explains the do's and don't's of visiting or sending gifts.
  • My grandma was recently in the hospital with lukemia getting chemo for months. Only her husband and daughters were allowed to visit. No son in laws, no grandchildren, no friends. The more people in and out the riskier it is for the patient. This was the families choice of who to let in, but it was recommended by doctors too. So I would really check with their family to see what they are allowing.
  • If you are set on visiting, definitely whar @Fate said. Mask, gloves and gown. You can ask the nurses when you get there. My friends husband passed from leukemia and we always suited up to visit. The meds will not hurt you.
  • Thanks ladies. We'll see if we visit tomorrow.
  • I don't think it's risky to you but it can be to her like the others were saying you could have germ u don't even know bc your body is nice and strong but her body is very weak. My advice is visit her at home and no kids around they tend to carry more germs. And I'm sure once u tell her why she will actually be thankful. Plus the hospital might not let you bc they not only to protect your friend but other patients.
  • I worked in an oncology unit and can say that when a person is undergoing chemotherapy and is during a period of high risk, they will have visitors wear protective equipment, ban children from visiting, or only let immediate family visit. If they allow free visitation, then it can be safe to say that it's in an "allowable/safe" time. Visiting individuals should practice common courtesy and wash hands, cover coughs and sneezes and stay away if you think you are getting sick. If you want to play it safe, call your friend and ask if they are up for a visit. Chemo does cause mood changes and your friend may not be up for it.

  • Chemo isn't safe for you to be around while pregnant. Even the nurses wear special gloves when handeling it. You could accidentally come into contact with something that is a known teratogen. Not worth the risk to you or your friend. Send a card so she knows you're thinking of her.
  • I wouldn't risk it. Sounds way to risky to me.
  • I'm sorry for your friend btw.
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