Spotting & scared

edited July 2013 in Pregnant
You'd think I've never been pregnant before - today I'm actually visibly spotting. I was seeing pink off and on when I wiped this weekend, but today I've actually had blood in my panties. I lost my last pregnancy so I'm super freaked out. I've been taking it easy today, drinking plenty of flavored water, took a nap, and have been trying to distract myself. Has anyone got any positive experiences? Right now from what I've seen its brown and pink, off and on, and not heavy. My brain is fighting with itself right now, saying that spotting is normal, but that I've never had spotting in my other four pregnancies and that I need to be worried. I am not looking for a diagnosis, just some reassurance.


  • How far are you? I had spottinf but it was after sex. Call your ob? :(
  • I'm 7-8 weeks. Its stopping again so I'm feeling calmer now. I was told its not a big deal until its heavy and/or really RED. Since its calmed almost nothing and its only been light pink and brown, I'm simply supposed to relax. Its just hard to relax when you're afraid of miscarrying again.
  • I had spotting for about 3 weeks. I was TERRIFIED, but everything turned out ok. It started at about week 6 and ended around week 9. I'm 22 weeks now and going strong. Just try not to stress (as hard as that is) and be positive. Call your OB for sure and let them check you out...if for no other reason than to give you reassurance. :)
  • I spotted off an on during the first trimester with both of my pregnancies. As long as its not red or heavy you should be fine.
  • Thank you all - I'm going to try and wait for my appointment Wednesday. If it turns red or really starts moving I'll get checked out sooner.
  • I had the same thing as sheentahlea, and mine even got mildly heavy at one point, not gushing but enough to terrify me, and I now have a healthy 21 month old.
  • I've known people to do this and be perfectly healthy! If it happens again though I would call your doctor and ask about an ultra sound. It might be a subchorionic hemorrhage. Good luck! Think positive (:
  • I had spotting with my first nothing this pregnancy but it was day after sex and my daughter will be 19 months in few days :) any physical activity can get it going sometimes. Its true though unless its heavy and u have cramps I think it will all be ok. Ill be keeping u in my prayers
  • How is it today?
  • I had spotting till I was 14 weeks due to placenta pervera..I started spotting around 6/7 weeks. I was freaked out too cause I had a previous miscarriage. But I now have a healthy 20 month old.
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