evap lines!

edited July 2013 in Pregnant
Ughhhhhh they are driving me nuts! I have taken 3 tests over 2 days and all have ended up with an evap... 2 after the time limit... Yes I'm a garbage picker and constantly looking for a line to appear... I've inverted them and I see it clearer....not sure on dpo seeing as I don't normally ovulate on my own.... Thinking I'm 7 to 8 dpo... I know early early.... Just driving myself crazy and needed to vent! Thanks for reading... LOL


  • Have you tryed ovulation predictor tests? Orbasal body ttemperature? Theres ways to see if u are ovulating. How do u know u aren't ovulating? Plus 1 week post supposed ovulation is way to early for most preg tests.
  • I agree u should get ovulation test and just learn your body during ovulation if u haven't done that of course. Good luck!
  • I know how you feel I'm usually so eager to test right away. It's weird because this month i wasn't even thinking about it until I didn't get my period. Iwas glad bbecause I got a very clear positive. Most months I'm buying so many test & testing right when I think implantation might have occurred...that's why the dollar tree is my friend. Hope you get the positive line this month...good luck
  • I have a short leutal phase. I conceived my son on Femara.... I'm only guessing my dpo... I've never had a positive opk even on medicated cycles. I've been in the ttc game for 6yrs. Just needed to vent. My period should have started the 11tb, and I'm still wwaiting.. ill try testing again on the 14th. I have been using the .88 ones from walmart and on frer... Just goin nuts with line eye! Lol
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