I want to cry...

My best friends daughter has hand foot mouth disease and she was here on Thurs, to top it off she was playing with my sons toys and she sneezed a few times, I'm sure her saliva got all over them. I am scared that my 21mo old will get it since he was playing with her but I am even more terrified that my little 1mo old will get it, she happened to have touched his bottle nipple and I only rinsed it before giving it to him.
Anybody have a newborn that got it?


  • My daughter never had it but I just wanted to say sure hope they dont get it. Clean as much stuff as u can thats all u can do right now. And keep ur little once clean just in case.
  • I just read that it takes 3-6 days to begin with symptoms after exposure. I sure hope your babies don't get it.
  • @jules @2ndtimearound thank you ladies, I really hope not either :(
  • My oldest son had it when he was around 2 and my youngest son never got it. So i hope your kids dont get it.
  • Also it said that most newborns that get it have mild symptoms. In rare cases more serious complications if the newborn is 2 weeks old or younger. Sounds like your baby will be fine, but still crossing my fingers neither of them get it.
  • Aww.. I hope ur kiddos don't get it. It's highly contagious. I know that's not what u want to hear. Maybe keep ur older one away from the baby for a few days just in case and wash ur hands over and over again. Sterilize all the toys.
  • Can you call your pediatrician and let them know? Maybe they can give adive or the signs to watch for to catch it early.
  • @angel26 that gives me hope. Was he in alot of pain? How long did it take to go.away?

    @hopefulmom2be I am going to call Monday, hopefully she gives me some info.

    @mommyof3girls I sanitized my living room (where she was at most of the time) as best I could, especially the toys I remember seeing her play with.

    @2ndtimearound thank you! I am going to be paranoid this entire week!
  • My daughter got it at a month old but only got blisters on the palms of her hands and bottom of feet and it lasted about a week for the blisters to go away...other then the blisters she had no symptoms
  • edited August 2013
    My baby cuzin had it an her bother was only a few weeks old an never caught it the Dr sed he still has antibodies so he wouldn't catch it an he never did he even stayed here one day wen all my kids had it . dk if its true but that's wat they told her I hope ur kids don't catch it it was horrible !
  • He was pretty misserable. But i think it was only about a week. But i cant remember lol. That happened 4 yrs ago. Lol.
  • @firsttimemommy0928 did she get a fever? I am petrified of a baby so little getting a fever.

    @mrz_jackson that makes me feel better thanks! :)

  • edited August 2013
    They told her breastfeeding wuld really help him not get it
  • My daughter who had just turned 2 had it and my baby was only weeks old. He never got it, I made sure I kept then separated. When he slept, he'd stay in my room and my daughter would not go anywhere near him. Always washed out hands. She had it really bad. Her nails even band off as it all started clearing up. I was so afraid that my newborn was going to catch it, but thankfully he never did and neither my husband, myself, or our other children. My older kids would help watch my daughter too while I was with my baby and then as long as he was quiet and our sleeping he'd be kept in the other room to where she couldn't come and touch him. Hopefully no one will get it.
  • @melinda326 I wash my hands so much they are so dry right now lol hopefully we are as lucky as you, thanks for the hope :)
  • edited August 2013
    No problem. Keep us informed on how it goes.
  • So it's been 4 days (I think) since the exposure. Is everything clear so far? I'm hoping so!
  • @melinda326 @wilsomom so far no symptoms thankfully! I am praying it stays that way, thank you for checking :)
  • My son just got threw having it
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