What crazy dream have you had while prego?
I haven't remembered many dreams with this baby but the one I had last night has me shaking my head.
I've been very anxious to have my u/s (scheduled for 3/31) so I dreamt that I went to the u/s and the screen/monitor was an etch-a-scetch and the doc etched a picture of the baby and wouldn't tell me the gender...
I've been very anxious to have my u/s (scheduled for 3/31) so I dreamt that I went to the u/s and the screen/monitor was an etch-a-scetch and the doc etched a picture of the baby and wouldn't tell me the gender...
I had twins and you could see them moving. But you could see them so clearly under my skin that it was like they were just covered with a sheet. And they would move around so much I had to push them back toward my belly.
I was about 7 months preggo and met a strange man at a gym and thought nothing of sleeping on his couch for two days because I couldnt get a ride home. Didn't even think about the fact that I hadn't spoken to my fiance for those two days until my mom came and picked me up.
I was carrying a child at work on my hip and he threw up on me, so then I threw up and then we had a total puke fest and covered the floor or my class room.