Anyone with gestational diabetes

edited August 2013 in Pregnant
I'm having a hard time when it comes to meals and snacks if anyone has any suggestions, please share! :) Thanks


  • I have type2 diabetes, so same things apply... anyways... lots of veggies are always good. Chicken, lean protein, Brown, not white rice. I have learned, it's a lot about reading labels and things like that. Eggs are good, whole grain pancakes. Hope that helps a little or gives you a few ideas.
  • Thank you @Stillsurprised it helps. I have been eating the same things over and over and its getting old. I have been reading labels this is all new to me and at times extremely frustrating! :( when you eat pancakes can you use like a sugar free syrup or will that cause my numbers to be high?
  • I always use sugar free syrup... I have to. Regular syrup makes my blood sugar sky rocket... same thing happens with white rice. The nice thing is the sugar free stuff tastes as good as the real stuff lol and if you go out for breakfast... all you have to do is ask for it.
  • Carne asada soft tacos (corn tortilla) with cheese & guacamole is one of my favorites to order when getting take out. My blood sugar is always good with that for lunch or dinner.

    I have type 2 so I have to watch my diet all the time. Now that I'm pregnant I'm on insulin & I don't have to be as careful. I just have to eat every 2 to 3 hours, which is kinda hard for me to do.
  • @Stillsurprised okay great thanks! I'm going to have to pick some up, that will give me more options for breakfast!
  • @2ndtimearound thank you I love mexican food, its my weakness lol. I'm struggling to eat every 2/3 hours also..I'm hoping I don't have to be put on insulin, my mumbers are fluctuating on this diet.
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