what is going on? !

edited August 2013 in Pregnant
I'm 32 weeks today I've been getting regular braxton hicks since 29 weeks when I'm on my feet like at work they come every 45 mins at home every hour and a half but yesterday into to they come with a horrible dull achy lower back pain and they never stop all have them even when in sleeping I asked my ob when I first started getting them if I should be worried he said its just my uterus getting ready but now I have this ridiculous. Back pain what is this? !


  • The back pain could be from you standing for long periods of time or sitting on bad position if you experience bleeding or pain in your abdominal area I'll suggest you to go to labor and delivery just to be safe drinking lots of fluids should help the Braxton hicks .... im 33weeks
  • I am on my feet allday for work the braxton hicks didn't bother me at all its this back pain thats making me cry Its so intense
  • Remember the far you are in your pregnancy the more wait you carry so of it didn't bother you before this could be the beginning I'm not a doctor but I could tell you that also the position of the baby could be bothering or pinching the nerves on your back could cause pain ...... you should definitely try to rest somemore I mean I don't know what's your personal situation but I do know that this stage where you at its the more critically and you should consider talking with your doctors!
  • I've tried walking laying down on either side on my back sitting and the pain won't go away
  • I had that all the time with my first got soo bad one time I thought I was in labor which kinda was they did give me medicine in hospital to make them stop. They started around 28 weeks with my first like u. Then now im 23 weeks with my second and ive already had them last month and bad back pain at same time and soo crampy at times. My first was week early which is perfectly fine so im personally not too worried..My doc has always said same thing just our muscles and everything stretching/getting ready part of the process unfortunately. But hey I had nice easy smooth labor so ill take it!
  • I was in preterm labor for 2days and still went to work
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