I asked the ultrasound tech what side it is on and she said antetior in the front. Is this normal? I never asked where it was for my son. Should I be worried at all?
Its nothing to worry about at all thats just another word for the exact position of the placenta in u its on the front wall of your uterus, then there obviously posterior which means its on the back wall, then there's fundal which is the top wall and the last is right or left lateral which is basically I the either side of the uterus. they were just very detailed probably assuming all women know what that's means lol. But that's just the position doesn't effect anything I bet there are a lot of us that are in same position but never asked and others of us have the other placenta positioning. Did u have a c section with ur first by any chance?
No just means that you might not feel the baby move right away because the placenta adds more cushion. if you were to put your hand on your tummy you would feel the placenta before baby. iM 14 weeks Prego and I have an anterior placenta as well.
No, I've got an anterior placenta this pregnancy too, found it took me a little longer to feel regular movement & it can slightly increase the possibility of baby being born sunny side up. My midwife not concerned about it all.
I had anterior with my first and didn't feel movements until 26 weeks on the outside. Had posterior with my second and felt movements outside at about 20
I had an anterior placenta with both my babies. It can cause the baby to be posterior which it did with my first. Try searching it on Google. I did a few excersises like spending half hour on all foursonce a day to help turn baby and it worked for me (do this in late pregnancy)
Oh dw about the excersize if your having a c section lol. They will give you an ultrasound to see where it is before they do the c section. There is a slight risk of not being able to have a c section but I don't think it's high. The placenta can move during the pregnancy. Mine moved off to one side.
Well dont worry they won't they do an ultrasound right before they make a cut to make sure that doesn't happen. This is very commen among people who had c section so much so most dont know about it. If the doc never said the exact position u wouldn't even know like most don't know. Its natural to worry but dont let it get to you and maybe talk to ur doc about at ur next visit and im sure u will feel better.
Well now days they can see if its over the old scar and then they make the new scar little higher. So yes its not the best but they do have a solution that has worked out well for many. But obviously veginal is way to go unless theres some medical reasoning I just dont wanna make anyone feel bad especially since it sounds like u know for sure ur doing another c section its what u think is best for u and ur baby!
@homebirthadvocate yes my sons head was completely stuck. My only option is c sec right now. I will talk to my dr about the placement but I had many complications. I had preeclampsia as well. Till the end I won't know for sure. My fiances head god stuck and he broke his clavical.
@Jules thank you hun ♡ ill call in the a.m to talk to a nurse.
3 of my kids have broken their clavical from being born too fast! Crazy, idk why being born fast would do it, but they also had shoulder distocia. That would be great if you could have a vbac though. How long was the head stuck before they did the surgery? I'm just curious, I've never had that problem lol. Was the baby's head big or do they think your pelvis is small?
@homebirthadvocate@Minx1018 Oh my gosh, are you serious?!!! Ugh, I'm disliking doctors more and more! Lol And of course they don't tell you this, they just let you think it happens by itself. Which is why they told me it was due to fast delivery.....they didn't have time to know what else to do I suppose.
@homebirthadvocate they didn't know he broke his clavical till after he was home. They had said that he was stuck and they were worried about clavical. I will talk to her. She wasn't in today. Thank you
@wilsomom his head was stuck for 36 hours. I was on c sec strength in my iv and each contraction I could feel his head grinding on my pubic bone and I would scream. It was very painful read above too. When he came out they said he had big shoulders. His dad and him both have big heads lol..
Oh wow, that's crazy, 36 hours! You did a great job trying for sure! And the dr.'s told me they can't tell if the clavicle is broken for a few days until it develops a bump. (at least that's what they tell me..I don't know if I believe them or not...lol)
@wilsomom ya it'd was very painful. Along with pre eclampsia and being put on magnesuim. He had a cone head too from being stuck. My ob finfinally came in and said c sec. If this baby measures smaller I have no problem trying for a vbac.
Did u have a c section with ur first by any chance?
@Hsweetie21 I am 19w 2d I have felt baby move tho. no kicks tho.
@willothewisp hm my son was trying to come out sunnyside up but his head got stuck so I ended up with a c section.
@Jules thank you hun ♡ ill call in the a.m to talk to a nurse.
@jules will do
@wilsomom his head was stuck for 36 hours. I was on c sec strength in my iv and each contraction I could feel his head grinding on my pubic bone and I would scream. It was very painful