problems after IUD?

edited March 2011 in November 2011
Anyone experience trouble conceiving after there IUD was taken out? I've had 3 cycles and then tried to get pregnant. Keep getting negative test results but have not started my period either. Now I'm 2 weeks late


  • Were u on the marina or the copper ?
  • I had the none hormone one taken out in jan after 4years and got a positive test today.
  • If u where on the mirena it can take a little while for the hormone to completely get out of your system. I had the paraguard removed in august and was pregnant by december which I conceived in november. It all depends
  • Had the mirena for 3yrs took it off and thankfully got pregnant right away! Good luck!
  • I conceived 2 weeks after having it removed, but it just depends. My doc said that I would be capable of conceiving immediately but that it had taken some women over 6 months.
  • I conceived the month after I had mine taken out and so did my friend.
  • I'm hearing more of people not really having any problems. Its frustrating. We didn't have to try at all for our first 2 girls. It took one of my friends 2 months. I guess I'm at the point if I'm not prego then I wash my period would start. I only had it in a little over a year
  • I had mine in for 5 years got it taken out in november and it caused a pelvic infection but am now pregnant. If you get your period start having sex right when the bleeding slows down and try to have sex at least every other day
  • I had the Mirena. Took it out at the beginning of Oct, had one cycle and conceived in early Nov! I thought it would take a few months to get my system back to normal, but guess not. I'm 20 weeks as of yesterday. :)
  • edited March 2011
    @hopingfora3rd- I also had the iud ( Mirena) removed in Jan after 4 years n didn't get a normal period, just spotted 1 day in Feb. I continued trying n got a positive test on Feb.28th. I was at the point where I wanted a period or a positive to move forward. I truly think if you stress about it, it may effect your ability so. Try n relax n enjoy baby making.
  • I got mirena taken out valentines day started af the next day and had another af march 3rd this is my second cycle and hoping it works this time. This actually the first discussion I have seen where more people have had more successes then fails. I have heard about a lot of mc after mirena so I am a little scared....I got preggo with my first the second cycle of trying, so let's hope its the same. I think iuds makes ur period wacky after for a while too... did u try blood test at doc.?
  • I called the doc. They said if a test was negative then I'm not pregnant. So I said I would wait another week or two if still no period then I would call back ans request a blood test. And the last 3 days I have felt sick and my boobs r sore. I will try 1 more test in the morning. Wish me luck
  • Had the mirena in for 2 years. Took me exactly a year to conceive now I am almost 10 weeks. Good luck!
  • I had mirena in for 4 years I had it removed in November 2010 & I found out i was pregnant on Feb 28 !! Im 23 this is goin to b my second pregnancy & me n my fiance r extremly happy!! I hope everything works out for u!!
  • I had the mirana June 2004 Oct 2009 it caused cist on my ovaries lots of pain had to have it surgically removed It embedded itself in my uterus looong story short didn't have a menstrual cycle until Feb this yr n found out a week ago I'm prego but still have cist on,left ovary now just worring bout hcg level its low blood test every other day its scarey but I continue to may be taking time for your system to straighten out good luck I hope everything works out just try not to stress I know its hard...
  • I had the Mirena taken out in July and in November I could have sworn I was pregnant. I had all of the symptoms and was weeks late but countless negative tests. I eventually started my period but was very disappointed. But now I am 6 weeks and 5 days and due November 6. It will happen when you least expect it. Good Luck!!
  • I had my mirena taking out in july an never got my period but still kept trying to get pregnant but kept gettin negative test results. New years eve week I went to the er for broncitus an found out I was pregnant, 3 weeks later I was rushed to the hospital with a lot of bleeding an found out I was having twins an I lost one I don't know if it was something to do with the mirena but I wouldn't recommend it to anyone.
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