Need help with names
I like names that are not too common but not obscure. Here's my list so far...
Opinions on these names or other suggestions would be helpful. Btw my son's name is Noah & daughter is Zoe.
Opinions on these names or other suggestions would be helpful. Btw my son's name is Noah & daughter is Zoe.
You could also do Serena like someone mentioned or Serina. I know one girl named Salina.
Instead of Hailey you can do Zailey.
@pregnantELF I like Serena too but my husband doesn't.
@Frantastic I don't think it's that common by me. Where do you live?
@wilsomom Thanks
@Jules Those are my top two choices out of those names
@perly Zailey is cute.
@perly I know a Salina from Texas, I wonder if its the same one?! I didn't think the spelling was too common.
I like the name Selene. It's a little diffrent, but not crazy.
I love the name Bennett for a girl and the name Tamerlane and Annabelle Lee after Edgar Allan Poe's poems. Tam and Anna for short. Those are just some of my faves. Good luck! Naming babies is hard!
@perly I just threw out Janessa to my hubby right now but he shot it down.
@mommylovessparkle I thought about Chloe but my son's cousin has that name plus I don't know if I want it to rhyme with my daughter's name...Chloe and Zoe...I don't know, it does kinda sound cute together
@excitedforoctober @musicmomma I know Ava is really popular right now...darn it.