
edited October 2013 in Pregnant
Am I allowed to take it? I got my wisdom tooth pulled out last Thursday and apart from the soreness and pain I'm experiencing diff throbbing going towards my ear and behind my ear in my head. It's really strange that it's going that far. The density said to take It if I really had to. I called my dr to make sure I can take it but they're not answering they're phones wed-fri for training every week. I would have to go in and I'm out of town til friday. Also the dentist said I could take ibuprofen. I thought that was a no no?


  • Well I would do Tylenol for now it is pain killer after all and is allowed. Me personally I wouldn't until I asked my ob for sure. But doesn't your ob have on call line with nurses that can answer that question. I know my ob the have on call that when I call regular line after hrs they answer and they can even get hold of the doc if need be no matter what time or day. Good luck to you and hope you feel better soon.
  • edited October 2013
    If its just for pain I agree with @jules. Everything I read online said after your first trimester and only for infection should you take it. Leave a message in your Drs phone so they get back to you or call the hospital that you would go to to talk to Dr on call.
  • @jules no they don't have anyone answering phones unless it's an emergency and I spoke to someone who was answering the emergency line but she said she wasn't medically trained at all which didn't help me at all!!! The Tylenol didn't do a thing for my pain even before it was pulled and afterwards either. I was also prescribed acetemphemone with codeine but I don't feel comfortable taking those. I'd be much more comfortable taking ibuprofen.
  • @debs I'm so confused I read online it's only dangerous to take ibuprofen in the third trimester but I still don't want to risk it. I would rather not take ibuprofen, the codeine pills, or Tylenol at all bc I don't feel comfortable taking anything period. But my mouth hurts like hell all day everyday from before my tooth got pulled and after
  • My doctor didn't allow me to take ibuprofen at all. Only tylenol which is acetemphemone. I never had to use Amoxicilin, but i personally wouldn't take it until i had the ok to do so.

    Did you check with your doctor before you had you wisdom tooth taken out?
  • I'd take the codeine before ibuprofen but that's just me. I would not be happy with my dr if they didn't answer their phones 3/5 of the time. That's dumb, they have a business. No one on here is a doctor that I am aware of, people could tell you what to do but I would take it with a grain of salt until you get ahold of your dr. Sorry love!
  • @perly of course! I would not have done it otherwise. I had to get my doctors release to even be seen by the dentist. They spoke to my doctor to get the ok to use anesthesia.

    @kimberly4411 is the codeine safer? I've took it 3 times but only bc my pain was intolerable and still would have rather roughed it out but I didn't wna be a grouch towards my other two girls. I know, same thing happened last week wen I tried to call my dr to get the ok to even see a dentist. I had to go into their office. It's so annoying!!!
  • Tylenol is okay to take. I hate taking any medicine too while pregnant. I only take half dose of tylenol. So just one pill for me. It works when I have really bad headaches.
  • Acetaminophen with codine is tylenol 3. That's what my OB gave me when I needed it while pregnant. Ibuprofen is not okay while pregnant. Do you have a primary care doc aside from your OB to ask about the antibiotics?
  • @pumpkincupcake0307 really!? Tylenol does nothing at all for me :( yes I'm with u on that one. I don't like taking anything medicine related. I feel guilty.

    @RTmommy yeah the nurse told me the dr does not want any if his patients to take ibuprofen but it varies from dr to dr. Can anyone get Tylenol 3 over the counter? Jw....I also didn't know that that was Tylenol with codeine. It makes me feel like when I've took vicodins.
  • I was only asking because i was wondering why your doctor wouldnt tell you or the dentist what kind of pain relieve to give you.
    Tylenol 3 is not sold over the counter. Tylenol 3 and vicodin are kinda (if not) the same thing.
  • @perly yeah, I wasn't sure what was said between the dr and dentist. All she said was she spoke to my dr and got the ok for the anesthesia. That's why I waned to double check with my dr to c if it was ok that I took was prescribed.
  • Amoxicillin is an antibiotic and is safe during pregnancy as long as you aren't allergic to it
  • I am confused why you would take an antibiotic for pain? Taking unneeded antibiotics can lead to antibiotic resistance.
  • @ashley_smashley in case is developed in infection on my gums, which I did.
  • I wasn't taking it for pain. I have acetemphemone with codeine for that. I'd rather not take either but it's necessary so the infection doesn't spread
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