Blessed with a healthy baby
I was due November 16th with my son. My BP were getting high I went in last Sunday and they admitted me. Monday my doctor said we need to induce before it got bad. I was scared since I was only 36 weeks but he reassured me it was for the best for baby and I. I got cytotec inserted in me and nothing got it again 4 hrs later and nothing. Finally they started my pitotcin at 5pm monday and monday at 11pm I was 1 dilated 50 effaced. My contractions finally started getting intense I asked for the epidural. Ahhhh I felt better then. They were watching my BP. It couldnt reach 160/110 or my doc was gonna put me on magnesium and he said that wouldn't make me feel good my bp was staying around 157/95. Come tuesday around 11am. I was at 2 and 90 effaced. He broke my water. My doctor came in again at 2 and checked me and still the same. Thats when he said hes going to give me a chance to see what happens but needed to put something inside I dont remember to check how strong my contractions were. During this time babys heartrate was dropping off n on. He told me nxt step is throw in the towel and csection. I was getting very scared. He came in at 4pm. I was at 4 and 100 effaced. At 445 I felt pressure and knew it was time. Doctor came in told me to do one push and said stop! Babies head was right there. They rushed to get all doctors n nurses in. I started to push at 454. I remember looking at the time and at 4 58 pm, 3 pushes later. I gave birth to a 5lbs 3 ounces baby boy. And very blessed he was absolutely healthy. After all the scares and 30 hrs of labor. It was all worth it and I would do it all over it again. We had to stay a extra day just to make sure his sugars n temps stayed normal since hes considered a preemie. We came on friday and im so happy to behome and my almost 2 year old loves her new baby brother. Sorry for the long story.
I'm so worried on how my 2 yr old will act after her brother comes in December =(( I've stayed at home with her basically her whole life now it's going to change
We're you having bp problems before or did it appear out of nowhere? I swear I'm freaking out with this child more than my last. I just don't want to be gone from my daughter too long
@wilsomom I know about the csection. And thank you hes a sweetheart already