1 week 3 days (vbac Q)

edited November 2013 in Third Trimester
1 week 3 days till my due date. I'm 1 cm dilated baby is dropped. Night before last I had 2 hours of contractions 5 minutes apart with intense cramping. But they just stopped. Trying to be really patient for this is a vbac and I need to go natural. Also still working full time on my feet (hairstylist) I was just wondering some natural safe ways to progress?


  • Alot of squatting and going up and down stairs worked for me. You're so close! :)
  • Walking, sex, squats, stairs, birthing ball. I'm sure the fact that your on your feet all day helps a lot already.
  • The baby will be here within the week if your at 1cm dilated. :X
  • @MyLove2 that's not necessarily true
  • Not true at all.
  • Not to discourage you, but some women can go several weeks being dilated before labor comes. It's good you were having contractions though. Do lots of squats
  • I remember a girl on here did reflexology I beliebe on her foot to induce labor. I think that's what it was. Was a few weeks ago.
  • I was dilated 3 for 3 weeks :/ I hope you do go soon and have you vbac. Good luck and cant wait to see pocs.
  • I tried EVERYTHING and nothing worked for me. Ended up having c-section again. Hope something works for you. :)
  • Well your very close either way if not this week sometimes soon. Good luck hun, I hope this baby doesn't make you wait much longer.
  • I was 3cm and 85% effaced and i never went into labor. I actually ended up having a c-section.
    But like it was mentioned before, the fact that you've had contractions and that they were pretty regular is a good sign so hopefully you will have your vbac.
  • I was 4cm for about 2 weeks
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