I just found out I am pregnant and am about 5 weeks along. I am not having any pregnancy symptoms except for constipation,I'm tired, and gas. Nothing else at all. Is it still too early to have symptoms or is this totally normal?
This is my 4th pregnancy and didn't get any symptoms till around 8 weeks but not full effect till 12 weeks with my first 3 it was right away like 3 to 4 weeks. So that is totally normal
Thank You So Much @debs! I Get So Panicked And Worried That Something Might Happen Because I feel Completely Normal But With My Girls I Had Sickness Alot. But This Time,Nothing.Only A Couple Things Thats Easily Manageable. Hey,I'm Not Complaining Lol
Everyone is telling me this early that it's a boy Lol I want more girls! But I was so sick with my girls also. But this time,nada. I mean I like it,don't get me wrong,but I worry too much!
I didn't have any symptoms as well. Only reason I knew something was wrong was bc I missed my period and I found out at almost 6 weeks. This is my third pregnancy and my third girl. Congrats!!!
I was deathly sick with my daughter. Like couldn't leave my bed, in the hospital 3 times because of it. 3 months later when I got pregnant with my son I wasn't sick at all ever. Just headaches. I was sick with my daughter at 4 weeks.. I didn't even know I was pregnant until 10 weeks with my son because I had no symptoms. So maybe it'll be a boy.
I was also sick with my Girls but I knew that I was pregnant this time because when I was supposed to have my period I just had light spotting and some light cramping. I still don't have any symptoms except for constipation,gas,kind of tired but that's it. I haven't had any mood swings,I'm not overly hungry,I'm not sick,smells don't make me gag,nothing. I just feel like normal. I hope it's a girl! But if it's a boy,that's okay too. I just want a happy and healthy pregnancy and baby!
I'm so excited to hear that it's totally normal and I'm super excited!! I love being pregnant Lol I have no complaints at all even when it hurts so bad! I would do this over and over again for all my life if I could Lol My kids bring me so much joy and happiness. I never thought I would be this happy!
I never had any early symptoms when I was pregnant. In fact, I really didn't have any until I was close to 30 weeks and then I had constant horrible heartburn lol.
Yes. @2lilblessings I hope I don't get that!! I hope I just feel like normal the whole way Lol This will be my 3rd VBAC and I think I want to do it without an epidural this time. I actually think the epidural really hurt my back because after my daughters,my back right on the spots where I had the epidurals at hurts constantly. So this time,I'm pretty sure that I'm not going to have an epidural...
@KymAli I am about 5 weeks pregnant and have MS, sore boobs, headaches, dizziness, and sleepiness. But then again I get symptoms right away almost instantly. I do know every pregnancy is differenr so symptoms vary. Im due 9/15 and this (if everything goes well God willing) will be my 2nd VBAC I also want to go natural this time.
Lol I have no problems with food either @ kenzie0713 But I am feeling more full lately with less.
@SalasMommy I'm so happy you're a VBAC also! I love delivering naturally! I hate surgery and will hope that I will never have to do it ever again! Do you have trouble with hemorrhoids though? When you delivered vaginally? I had already 2 surgeries on them because every time I push they come out and thrombose. Sorry if it's TMI. But I never had them when I had that section. So I'm guessing that is the 3rd VBAC(hopefully)so I'm probably going to have to get another surgery on them that I don't want....
I loved delivering naturally too! It was such a beautiful experience and how ironic I actually had trouble with them before my csection the weight of my uterus was too much after I had the c section they went away and with my second none not even after the vbac thank god. I cant imagine having to get surgery on them! But i did want to ask you a question my MS has subsided i still feel nauseated just not throwing up my boobies have grown a full cup which for me is good! Lol but with my boys i was throwing up at 3/4 wks and now nothing
I have some MS. Some days are worse then others but I dropped 10 pounds because if I over eat It tends to just come back up. But lately it has been ok. How far along are you? I'll be 9 weeks tomorrow.
Ms for me has always been bad except this time around. I will be 8 wks on Monday my MS also varies mostly just nausea. By this time im already throwing up a ton and it hasn't happened ?
Every pregnancy is different. My 2 daughters my sickness was so bad. So very bad. But this time,it's light also. I got to the doctor on Monday so I can be sure there's a baby inside Lol Havebyou made your 1st prenatal yet?
I wish my insurance isnt good to go yet and besides the doctor that im supposed to see (my vbac doctor is an hr away) doesnt see anyone until the 8wk mark. I told my vbac doctor id be gping to him but thats not until i move withing the next two weeks. I'm anxious already this is too long to wait! As soon as i get the ok im going i want to see my baby. Im so worried that there wont be a heartbeat or something
I don't know where you live but in WI you can go to the doctor without insurance then when you get the insurance just pay it forward to them. That's what I did with my 1st daughter. There's no one that's willing to do VBAC close to you? My doctor is only 5 minutes from me and my hospital is 30 minutes away,so it's not too bad. I literally just made a post about scared that I won't see a heartbeat on Monday. Im terrified too but you just have to hope for the best. You're in my thoughts Mama ❤ :X
Are you serious?!!!! I live in texas do they do that here too? And no unfortunately only a few doctors do VBACs and most of them dont take candidates like me (high risk, previous miscarriages, preeclampsia) he is the only one who took a chance but he has had a lot of experiences with vbacs. I cant believe you made that post ive been loosing sleep thinking about it. What if this what if that. Im terrified as well im happy that you will see your baby tomorrow i need some hope.
So I went to my doctors appointment and he said the reason why I have only felt slight MS is because I'm still breastfeeding. Have you found a Doc yet?
I Get So Panicked And Worried That Something Might Happen Because I feel Completely Normal But With My Girls I Had Sickness Alot. But This Time,Nothing.Only A Couple Things Thats Easily Manageable. Hey,I'm Not Complaining Lol
I want more girls! But I was so sick with my girls also. But this time,nada. I mean I like it,don't get me wrong,but I worry too much!
So maybe it'll be a boy.
I hope it's a girl!
But if it's a boy,that's okay too. I just want a happy and healthy pregnancy and baby!
I have no complaints at all even when it hurts so bad! I would do this over and over again for all my life if I could Lol
My kids bring me so much joy and happiness. I never thought I would be this happy!
I hope I don't get that!! I hope I just feel like normal the whole way Lol
This will be my 3rd VBAC and I think I want to do it without an epidural this time. I actually think the epidural really hurt my back because after my daughters,my back right on the spots where I had the epidurals at hurts constantly. So this time,I'm pretty sure that I'm not going to have an epidural...
@SalasMommy I'm so happy you're a VBAC also! I love delivering naturally! I hate surgery and will hope that I will never have to do it ever again! Do you have trouble with hemorrhoids though? When you delivered vaginally? I had already 2 surgeries on them because every time I push they come out and thrombose. Sorry if it's TMI. But I never had them when I had that section. So I'm guessing that is the 3rd VBAC(hopefully)so I'm probably going to have to get another surgery on them that I don't want....
I literally just made a post about scared that I won't see a heartbeat on Monday. Im terrified too but you just have to hope for the best. You're in my thoughts Mama ❤ :X