I'm keeping my baby!

edited March 2011 in Pregnant
After going back & forth like a million times between abortion & parenting...I decided I'm gonna keep my baby! I'm actually really excited & happy with my decision :) but my BF seems upset about my decision but IDC! I dnt need him..I'll do it wit or w/o him..he says he'll be supportive... guess ill find out soon..I'm jus really excited now! I knw it will be hard but nothing easy is worth having...Thanks to those ladies on here that helped & supported me through this emotional rollercoaster!


  • Oh I'm super excited for u :)
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  • Yay! Congrats(: youll be a great mommy
  • Awwwww congrats you gonna be a great mother!
  • @mommytobe1 I believe I will be too! :) after thinkn of having my little one next to me lying in bed made me smile...I'm still a little scared but I'm READY! THANKS LADIES!
  • It's okay to be scared! Everyone is at some point! Were all here to support you(: and I couldn't be happier for you!
  • YAAAAAAAAYYYYYYYY!!!!! Im so glad you decided to keep the baby :) women have more strength than they think, and making a decision like that is just another way to prove our strength..... way to go mama!!! :D
  • YAYYY... im so happy for u... Congrats and enjoy motherhood
  • @sweetness06 Yeahhhh!!!! Congrats sweetie! And remember that pregly is an amazing place for support & friendship ;) I hope that your bf stays true to his supportive-ness :)
  • Great decision every baby haves the right to live I know for a fact its one wonderful decision maybe God put this beautiful baby. Across your path for a reason have faith because you will not be left alone you will be one great mommy I guarantee that good luck keep me posted (;
  • Awww yay I'm so glad your were strong enough to make this decision. Congrats to mommy hood!
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  • You have a great attitude stay positive and it will all work out...as stated above us women are very strong when needed...girl power lol.

    Children are a great gift!!!!
  • Thats great!
  • God bless u :) u made the right choice and once u hold ur baby in ur arms u will never ever regret it
  • @Annamazing77 that's how I'm looking at it I knw I will NVR regret keeping my child but I will regret having an abortion...
  • Congratulations you will do great
  • Girl I love this! You CAN do it! You will! And you will be great :)
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  • !LIKE! Good luck and stay positive <3
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