What is an appropriate bedtime for a newborn?

edited March 2011 in July 2011
I'm a first time mom, due July 12th with a baby boy, & I'm just curious as to what is an appropriate bedtime for my newborn?


  • A new born doesn't have a bed time because they feed like every 3 too 4 hours for a couple of months
  • Newborns really don't have a bedtime, they have more of a schedule, mine normally get up at 9pm, midnight & 3 am.
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  • I didnt necessarily mean bedtime. I guess I'm trying to say how do you start a schedule. I hear moms say keeping to schedule is everything. & I did say I'm a first time mom... There's no need to make me feel stupid for asking for advice.
  • @Afloyd I am right there with you, a first time mom, and feel the same, how do you get the schedule going?
  • They pick their schedule I'm afraid! My friends little girl for the first week woke up once an hour with out fail! She's now 6 weeks an wakes up about every 3-4 hours over night. It's a case of waiting and seeing once they are born. I believe (but don't quote) formula fed babies sleep longer?
  • Well first you gotta make sure baby knows the difference bw night and day (some don't) .. so if baby is just sleeping throught the day make sure you wake him up every 3 hrs to feed. Now when baby gets a little older I say 8pm is good :) so you can get a routine going. Then you'll know around what time he'll get up for a feeding. Feed, burp, and change him right before bed. My nephew slept through the night at 3 months! Hopefully I get a baby like that! Lol..
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  • Smh, the one whose suppose to resolve conflict offends.
  • Thank you @lily_glz and @navywife your post helped me, :) I thought about that just not letting her sleep ALL day, wake her up so she will sleep at night. I just can't wait to meet her now, lol
  • @afloyd I'm sorry if I'm one of the ones that made you feel stupid or acted that way, I didn't mean to. I had my boys up every three hours starting the day they got home, with twins, it was the best thing. One was up at noon, the other at 12:30 that way I had about 2 hours in between. You'll hopefully get more time than I had. The biggest problem that I have seen is that most people don't want to wake a sleeping baby, which I can understand, but it'll be best in the long run.
  • You're welcome @maybabygirl :).. and @navywife had great advice.. just get a routine going write it down if you have to (I know I will bc I forget a lot) lol.. and navywife is right no question is a stupid question, it concerns our babies which are the most important! I'm sure y'all wil be great mommies
  • Yeah I put my son on a schedule by waking him up to feed him let's say every 3 hours then every day I would wait a little bit longer in between feedings even if they cry a little the way I look at it they're showing you their lungs work lol. It's kinda up to whatever you can deal with but my son would sleep 6 hours through the night by 2 months so I guess I was lucky lol hope that helps :)
  • edited March 2011
    @afloyd I always started with a bedtime routine. I always gave my daughter a bath every night before bed, lotioned her down with bedtime lotion (miracle!) And got her dressed. Then gave her a nice warm bottle, burped her, swaddled her, and put her in bed. Most of the time she was sleeping by that time. I started around 9 and she was down around 10 or 1030. I did that from the day we brought her home from the hospital. She was sleeping through the night at 5 weeks and she is 14 months now. She Has been sleeping through the night ever since :) she still gets the same bedtime routine except no bottle, its now a bedtime story. I have moved up her bath time. She gets in the bath around 815 and I still lotion her down, etc and she is sleeping by 9pm. I think its easy to get a routine going but never change it! Don't skip a bath one night because you're too tired just do it, sh/she will sleep much better. Im now 27weeks 5 days with baby girl #2 and planning on the same thing. Good luck sweetie and congrats on your bundle of joy! :)
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  • I appreciate all the advice. @Kriss82001 you weren't who I was referring to. Your advice was also appreciated. I was very worried about scheduling, but all of you have given me peace of mind, if that's even possible while pregnant, haha.
  • Its ok @Mama_Kat. I've become overly sensitive. Lol.
  • Wake them if they allow you to if they are sleeping at a time you want them awake. That way they adjust to your schedule.
  • @afloyd I'm glad, I just wanted to make sure! I was lucky, my Mom stayed with me for a bit when I had the boys, so she helped me through a lot of it. She was in the Navy so she had to get all 5 of us on a schedule quickly. She had all of us sleeping through the night by the time her maternity leave was over, so she showed me all the tricks she used.
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